Chapter 45 (Vansh's pov)

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Vansh's pov 

Kabir was so lost in the documents he had to send to Mishra, which got me a little worried. We were in the middle of a very very hard moment. So, I got up and went to hug him from behind and whispered in his ear "Are those documents so fascinating that you are lost in them, sweetheart?"

He didn't react to it. He usually leans on me, and he gets goosebumps. I loved it when he did that, but I don't think he ever realized that. Instead of getting the reaction I wanted to get, the only thing that he does is taking a very deep breath before turning to face me. I looked at his pale face as if he saw a ghost. "Kabir is everything okay?" I asked worriedly. 

He looked at my face and handed me a photo. "I'm sorry," he whispered. 

I was confused about what he was apologizing for. "W-" I couldn't even start the question when he whispered with a shaky voice "I'm really sorry." 

The nervousness started to grow inside my gut and for the first time in my life I dreaded looking at something. 

I stayed to look at the face of the man I love before focusing on the photo he handed me. 

At first my mind didn't register what it was seeing, but slowly the image started to become more clear. A very familiar woman doing something to a very familiar car. All the things that Kabir told me about the car came flashing back in my head. I couldn't believe it. I breathed out a very unsteady breath and dared to look at him. His eyes were full of unshed tears. He didn't say a word, which at that point I didn't know I was glad for or not. He turned again and took the file and gave it to me. I took the file and stared at it. Guides, photos, receipts. I couldn't stand. My head was spinning. I had to sit down. I slowly started to take steps backwards, until I didn't feel the bed and once I did, I let myself sit on it. This time I didn't dare to look at Kabir. I didn't have enough courage to do it. And also because I thought if I didn't keep focusing on the file, it might disappear. My hard work, Kabir's hard work would just disappear. 

It has been years and years of research and investigation I've been doing to find out who killed my parents. Now, I know. I know who did it. But I didn't know the reason for it. Why would she do that? Nothing was coming in my mind. It was all blank. The only thing I knew was that I knew who killed them. 

I only noticed that I was crying when I saw drops falling on the papers. How long have I been crying? How long have I been staring at the file? 

I had no idea. And I have no idea how Kabir's holding up. How would a son react to the fact that his mother was a murderer?

I wanted to console him, but I wasn't in the right state of mind to do that. I first had to digest what I just learned. But most importantly I wanted to get out and get some fresh air. I was suffocating. Even though she didn't come to this house very often, she always stayed here with the conscience of what she did. 

Everything I did afterwards was blurry. I just know that I somehow got up from the bed, picked my clothes and put them on. But I have a very vivid image of me, after getting dressed, glancing at Kabir who was curled up with his back on the desk, and his cheeks wet with fresh tears. My heart wrenching in pain seeing him like that. I can't even think how he must have been feeling after knowing the truth. Hell, I wasn't able to accept the fact that his mother could kill my parents. She seemed very nice. Which means she knew who I was. And she still behaved like she didn't do anything so horrible. She took away parents from little kids. But did they know each other? If they did, how? Why did she do that to them? My father was a very professional guy, but he never made big enemies, especially not with someone who he didn't have business relationships with. And my mother... my mother was the sweetest person in the world. Always kind, smiley, sweet, polite. She would never do something bad someone. What was their fault? With all these question running through my mind, I just got out of his room and his house. Without saying a word to him. I knew I had to say something to him. Anything. But what could've I said? Were there actually words to say in a situation like this? 

Not really knowing where I should go, I just drove for hours and hours around the city. I didn't want to go home and face my family. I just didn't know how to tell them this. How can I tell my grandmother that his son and daughter-in-law were murdered by my boyfriend's mother. Is this how I will tell my family about Kabir? This really wasn't how I planned it. I had it all sorted out. I will take him to VR Mansion, introduce him, tell everyone I loved him, make our relationship a little more public, and have a very nice dinner with the people I love and care most about in the whole world. But, like it had been said before, life doesn't follow plans.


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