Chapter 43 (Vansh's pov)

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Vansh's pov

"So what are you waiting for?" he asked, with his naked torso, looking at me. How can I resist, after everything he just told me? He wanted to meet my family. He wanted to make love. 

With my hands on his waist, I looked at his face, searching for any insecurity or doubt, but couldn't find any. 

Our breaths were becoming heavy, both anticipating the moment we both were waiting for. Here we were. And I, Vansh Raisinghania, for sure wasn't letting this moment go. 

I smashed my lips on his mouth, with passion. He didn't wait to kiss me back. His lips were soft, silky and warm against mine. Our lips were moving together, and with our bodies pressed together, I could feel our combined heartbeats. My hands were moving all over his back, on his waist trying to pull him closer to me, while he was trying to take my shirt and tie off. In order to take my tie off, we broke apart for a few seconds and stared at each other. Both of us were breathing heavily because of the kiss. That's when it came to me: I didn't have it with me. 

I took three deep breaths to calm down a little bit. Just a little bit. He tried to kiss me, but I backed away. I couldn't do that to him. 

His face showed an hurt expression. "What's wrong?" he asked. 

"Kabir, we need to talk. Let's sit on the bed."

We both moved to the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed, putting some distance between the two of us. 

"Okay, now you're scaring me. What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?" he asked seriously. 

He can never do something wrong. At least not at this moment. I closed the distance that was separating us and took his hand in mine to assure him that everything was fine. 

"No, everything's fine. But, do you remember the first time we were, at least I was ready, but we stopped?" 


"Do you remember that we had a conversation about my previous experiences?" 


"I need to know if you've ever done it with someone. Boy or girl doesn't matter." 

"Why are you asking me that? Would that change anything?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"No. No, it won't. I'm in no place to judge for this. It's just for our protection." 


"Just answer the question. I'll explain it to you." 

"Well... with girls I did, but with boys I never got the chance." 

I nodded my head, even though I was a little bit taken by surprise. I did not know that I was his first. I was his first. That made me happy. He trusted me enough to be his first. 

"I haven't had a relationship with a guy for a while, because my ex was a girl." I paused. 

"Okaay. What does that have to do with this?" 

"I don't have a condom with me. I'm not a teenager now, who goes around with a condom in his pocket, because he never knows when he'll meet someone. Therefore it's my responsibility to tell you this and it's your right to know that even if I haven't been with a guy for a long time, it doesn't mean that I can put your health at risk. I'm not tested. I can't risk it. Not with you." I took a deep breath, and to lighten up a little bit the mood I created, I continued by saying "So, being the older one, I have to teach you, kid, that if it's either a guy or a girl, you have to be careful and safe." After hearing what I had to say, he burst out laughing. "Kabir, this is serious. You can't lau..." he cut me off by kissing me. "What was that for?" I asked him.

"Even though you're the older one, you're for sure not that smart."

"Excuse me?"

"Where are we?"

"In your bedroom." I said in an obvious voice. Did he lose his mind?

"And you don't think that maybe, I have at least a condom in my bedroom drawer?"

I sighed in relief. "You do?"

He nodded his head, got up to go toward his bedside table and pulled out a whole box of condoms. "You can use as much as you want. Even keep one in your pocket."

I raised my eyebrow. "I can see that you are ready."

A little pink color appeared on his cheeks. He was so adorable. "Well, you know, you can never predict when, you know..."

I smiled. "Come here." I told him.

He walked to me with the box in his hands, and sat down. I caressed his cheek with my hand. "You are beautiful and adorable." He really was. I couldn't believe that I was in a relationship with someone like him. 

I looked at his handsome face and kissed him with more passion than I kissed him before. Our hands traveled around each other's naked torso. We continued to kiss, our lips kept moving together, our tongues touching. I laid him down, and I was on top of him, with his head between my hands. I broke the kiss to ask him "Are you sure you're ready? That I'm not rushing you into anything."

He kissed me. "I'm ready. Now stop worrying and don't stop."

I smirked. "As you wish."

Our lips met again, and they started to dance together again. We fervently took our remaining clothes off. We were both naked in front of each other. I broke the kiss, and started to plant small kisses from his jaw to his neck. When I found his sweet spot, I started to suck on it. Kabir moaned in pleasure. After I was sure that I left a love bite on his neck, I moved to his chest and started to give small kisses all over his torso. I then started to lick his abs, but stopping before I reached his lower body part. 

"Vansh please..." He whispered. I came to kiss his mouth. Before I could do anything, he looked me in the eyes and said "Just... just go slow."

Instead of answering him, I kissed him tenderly, hoping that he would get his answer. 

With every touch, every move, every time Kabir said my name, a warm feeling exploded in my chest. The excitement, the pleasure, the passion I was feeling with him were something I never felt before. That's when I knew he was the one for me. That I didn't just fall for him. What I felt for him was much more than that. What I felt was something I never thought I would ever feel. And that was... love. 


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