Chapter 8 (Vansh POV)

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Vansh's pov

It was refreshing to spend some time with the family. Not always I had the chance to see what was happening in their life, because the business, the meetings kept me busy, and it didn't allow me to be there with them always.

This is the reason why I liked having family holidays, because it gave me the possibility to know what was happening in their life, which experiences they had while I wasn't there to share those moments with them. I liked reliving our childhood memories, funny fights or incidents. Sometimes it got quite awkward when Dadi told us what we did, because now being all grown-up and the oldest brother it was somewhat embarrassing, but I didn't complain because I saw my family laughing and enjoying the moment, and that was what mattered the most.

After sharing a long talk, we parted our ways to get ready for tonight's party.

I was on my way to my room, when I took my phone out to check if there were any important messages or calls. I passed the swimming pool area, and saw someone having a relaxing swim.

I smiled to myself and decided to interrupt his peaceful moment.

I took a seat on a deck chair. I knew he saw me there, because he began to get out of the pool. I smirked and thought "Not so easily".

"Are you enjoying your break?" I asked.

He sighed. "What do you want now?"

"Why do you think that Vansh Raisinghania needs something from a cop like you?"

"If Vansh Raisighania doesn't need anything, what are you doing here?"

"Someone is aggressive."

He huffed.

When he got out of the pool, I noticed his wet body, he was wearing a pair of blue swim trunks. He didn't have six packs, but he surely had a defined body. Don't ask me why I was noticing all this.

I cleared my throat, because I was getting distracted by his wet hair and the water drops travelling down his body.

"Let's see." he said tapping his finger on his chin and making a thoughtful expression "After treating me like a stupind cop, sending me on a week long holiday, interrupting my investigation and not to forget my defeat, you expect from me being nice to you?"

"Come on, Kabir. It was just a small fight you lost. And speaking about the holiday, it was for your own good, so you should be grateful that you have time to relax in a pool on a cruise without spending a penny."

"I'm very grateful. How can I ever pay this big favor for you?" he added sarcastically with a fake smile that I really liked.

"Well, let's see how you can pay me. What about coming to the party tonight?" I asked, some way hopeful that he would agree with me.

"Party? What party?"

"You didn't know about the party I'm hosting? Well, now you're invited. It's not like it's a family party, because there'll be my other business friend."

He seemed to think something, and I knew saying that I'll be having some friends will intrigue him to come.

"No, thanks. I have to go to bed, I'm quite tired and I can't even bear the thought to see your face again."

"Oh, let me guess. You are the early-to-bed-early-to-rise-makes-a-cop-healthy-wealthy-and-wise kind of guy."

He made a smile and said "I'm exactly that kind of guy. Have you any issues with that?"

"No. Why should I?"

"Good." He was leaving when he added smiling hopefully "Hope to see you soon behind the bars."

I stopped him and said "Come on, Kabir. Just a night of fun. I know you don't like me, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a party."

"Not gonna happen."

I continued staring at him to irritate him, because I knew that my daring look pissed him, and I tried to keep my eyes on his eyes, refusing the urges to look at his bare chest.

"Fine. I'll see if I have some energy to see you for the third time in a day."

"Ok, see you at the party, then. And please dress up well. And if you don't have fancy clothes, tell me, and I'll get them arranged for you." I smiled and exited the swimming area, without giving him the chance to say anything else.

I couldn't let him be alone by himself the whole time. I need to keep an eye on him. That's why he was here. Even though he can be a nice distraction.

Author's note: Sorry guys, bit for today just one update. But I hope you guys will like it.

Please VOTE, share and comment your opinions and any questions you have.

Lots of love, Maya.

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