Chapter 42

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Kabir's pov

"Listen, I don't know what you do all day in the office, Mishra. You are not even capable of giving me the right files." I said getting out of my room. 

Last night just ended with me trying to figure out what was going on with my mother. She never interfered in my job and nonetheless she has never told me to back out from a project. But last night she was...I don't even know how she was but I will find out later. Now I need to find my file. Mishra always creates a mess by mixing up files and I always wonder why I give him these kinds of works. So I must be more of an idiot than my assistant is. I opened my drawer and checked if I found anything. There were at least twenty files. "Please tell me that you know which color it is." I sighed. 

"Blue, sir." he said from the other side of the phone.

"Wonderful! But which blue? I have three shades of blues here."

 "Dark one." 

"You know what? I am impressed. My compliments." and I hung up my phone. I opened the file and made sure it was the one and...Yes it was the right one. Maybe I should be proud that I was teaching something to Mishra. I was not that bad after all. But I was running late so quickly went to the living room and put my file on the table and then ran toward the kitchen to get some bread and some juice. 

"Good morning Kabir." My mom came from behind. 

"Morning mom."

"Have you seen my pen... Are you in a hurry?" She noticed that I was drinking juice.

"Yup. I am late and I need to be in my office in fifteen minute. I'll see you this afternoon and have a good day ."

"Alright son. See you later." 

I came back to get the file but there were two of them. Urgh. I took the first one as I supposed I put it just a few minutes ago. 

I threw files on the passenger seat and raced to the police station.

I was late for dinner. The office work held me up for more than I thought and I was sure that my mom was waiting for me. "Mom, I am back." No answer. "Mom." I called out. 


But it wasn't my mom. It was a male voice. 

"Vansh?" What was he doing here? "Where are you?"

"In your room." he nearly shouted. I went to my room and found him sitting on the edge of my bed.


He got up and handed me a note. "It's for you. I found it on the table."



"Typical." I smiled. She is always busy. Never taking a rest. But with time I got used to it because this is how she is. 

"You pissed?" he asked quietly. 

"No. Not at all. I am happy she has something to do. You know I can't always be here for her so it's a good thing she got herself busy. But I am a little worried sometimes but there's nothing I can do." I honestly confessed. 

He put his arm around my neck and bent until we were face to face. "You are a good son, Kabir." I just shrugged. "And a good cop, and ..." he kissed my lips. "...a very good boyfriend." and he kissed me again.

"I am sure that I am not doing that much good in the last one." He frowned on my statement.

"That's not true and you know that. I think we are doing quite well." 

"And that's not enough."

"It is for me." he lowered his lips and kissed me tenderly.

I wanted to do more for him. I wanted to be more for him. He was the one who was doing everything in this relationship and I was the one who was just watching. But it was high time now. It was time to do my part. 

"I want to do more." 

"Uh-Huh?" He didn't look that surprised. But now he was going to.

"How about I meet your family next week." The reaction that I got was priceless. He looked shocked and surprised at the same time. I couldn't control my laughter. 

"You kidding me?" he asked, a little pissed. 

"No, I am not kidding you. I am laughing at your expression. You should watch your face." I tried to catch my breath.

He took my hand and pulled me closer. My laughter died in my throat when our chest met. That close to him that I could feel his heart beating. He caressed my cheek with his left index finger. 

"Are you sure you want to do it? Because there's no rush, you know that right? Don't worry about me, as I said I am happy with what I have. " 

"Vansh. I'm sure. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. So yes, I am more than ready to know your family and maybe...become a part of it."  

"You already are." He took my face in both his hands and connected our lips. Everything seemed like a slow motion choreography. His lips were in sync with mine. Our tongues danced together. Our hands moved on each other's body like a magical spell. And then I knew it. If there was someone who could complete me, it was Vansh. I brutally backed myself. He looked at me confused. But I wasn't anymore. How could I not see that? Why have I been waiting for so long? What I was scared of? For the first time I saw him I knew there was something about him. And now from a long time I knew he was made for me but I was too pussy to admit it to myself that. Too terrified to acknowledge the fact. But I forgot that every relationship brings risk with itself and no one can guarantee for sure that it is meant to be for forever. So why am I waiting? I want him and he wants me. And that's what matters all for now. I finally was ready to take the risk. To give him everything he deserved. We both deserved. 

"What's wrong, Kabir? You alright?" He touched my arm. "Did I do something wrong?" he questioned. But he didn't know he was so wrong this time. 


"What? Did I hurt you?" He started to look for a sign on my body and on my face. 

 I pulled him from his collar, faking pissed. "Did I say you hurt me? I said you did something wrong." I was enjoying this. Vansh Raisinghania was confused, how many times is this gonna ever happen? "How could you do this?"

"Do what, Kabir? Don't drive me nuts. What happened?" Okay now he was getting annoyed. 

"I remember telling you that you were your own God. You were the one incharge. So why did you give me the remote control of all this? Why didn't you just order me, like you always do, to do what I had to do."

"Because this is not a restaurant where I can order a dish from the menu but a relation between two people. Both have to decide and both have the same power."

"Don't try to talk romantic out of this. I am angry." I loosen my grip on his collar and traveled down his torso. Then I took two steps back and took my shirt off. Me standing naked torso and him standing confused as hell. Then I closed the distance between us. "Angry because you have waited a long time. Never protested. Never said a word. Always stopped when I asked you to. I thought you were the top." He slowly seemed to understand where I was going. "Why haven't we made love yet, Vansh? Why?"

He smirked and then put his hands on my both sides pulling me even closer. "I can remedy that. Right here. Right now."

"So what are you waiting for?"    


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