Best of Friends

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"Oh... hey Jessica.." Kuroo says trying to force a smile but is obviously uncomfortable. You stand to the side, kind of annoyed, and sort of enjoying the little show happening in front of you. As Jessica tries to basically throw herself... and I mean LITERALLY THROW HERSELF... onto Kuroo, Kuroo is gently yet quickly trying to get away from her...

"Uhm yeah Jessica I'm going to go with Y/N now, it was nice running into you.. or you running into me... I guess," Kuroo somewhat mumbles those last few words as he waves and continues to walk with you.

"OH OKAY! BYEE KUROO!!" Jessica squeals at the top of her lungs.

After you hear the ear-bleeding squeals die down, you continue to eat your sandwich in peace, as you should.

"Why are you even friends with her?" you ask Kuroo slightly annoyed yet curious.

"I'm not," Kuroo says with a small laugh but also kind of defensively.

"Then why are you so nice to her? My ultimate enemy... why?" you respond jokingly.

"Well I'm not going to be rude to her, but we are most definitely not friends. How could I be friends with her when she doesn't even like you?" Kuroo says thoughtfully as he turns his head to you.

You slightly feel your face burn up. "W-why does my well-being affect who you hang out with?" you question again.

" How could you even ask that Y/N? You're my best friend, if someone doesn't like you then I don't like them... It's as simple as that." Kuroo says confidently.

You don't respond but instead, loop your arm through his, hug it, and walk slightly closer. You notice Kuroo turn slightly red as he coughs a little. Weird. But you brush it off.

You both finally arrive at Kenma's house. You and Kuroo make your way to Kenma's room who, by no one's surprise, is sitting in front of his monitor streaming a video game. You, however, make your way to his bed and plop down, face hitting the cold pillow.

"God, don't you blink?" Kuroo snaps at Kenma who doesn't even respond. "and open your curtains, I can literally FEEL the dust and sadness in here... and it's dark and depressing too." Kuroo says while trying to open the curtains which are behind Kenma's desk, which makes you think maybe they're behind the desk for a reason.

"Maybe he likes his room like that." you try to say clearly since your words are muffled in the pillows.

"Thank you, Y/N," Kenma says calmly, eyes still glued to the screen.

"OHHHH! so you can respond to her but not to me??" Kuroo says offended while sounding kind of like a mom, "Have you drank any water at least?' Kuroo added.

Kenma points to a half-empty water bottle.

"Oh, why even bother," Kuroo sighs while plopping next to you on the bed. Next thing you know, you feel a strong arm around your waist pulling you closer making you blush. You decide not to say anything because you're certain your mouth wouldn't be able to deliver the words you needed. So you play along.

He then proceeds to spoon and cuddle you, which only makes you blush even more. You then feel Kuroo nuzzle his head in your shoulder, which gave you butterflies. You decide to turn over and hug him back, causing him to lay on his back, and have you laying on his chest. You can feel his heartbeat, it's calming.

Kenma doesn't even care about what's happening, almost like he's used to this behavior between you two. Kenma then plays music just to fill the silence in the room. You start to hum to the song that is currently playing, as you hug Kuroo a little more. He then starts to play and stroke through your hair. It's an amazing and warm feeling. You wish to stay like this forever.

"Y/N?" Kuroo asks softly.

"mhm.." you responded gently.

" Do you ever wish to bottle a memory so you can have it last forever?" Kuroo responded genuinely.

You love it when he starts to ponder, it's the cutest thing.

"Yeah... there are so many memories I'd want to bottle up, keep forever and look back on," you say while slightly smiling.

"Really? what memories?" Kuroo questions.

"I'd bottle the day I met you, the day I met Kenken (your nickname for Kenma which only he allows you to call him) 20 minutes ago while I was eating that sandwich," you say giggling and Kuroo giving a small laugh. "and right now... I'd bottle this moment right now." You say blushing and hugging Kuroo tighter.

You feel Kuroo's breathing go off a little and his heartbeat go faster. "Yeah, I'd bottle this moment too." He says while rubbing your back.

You both decide to stay like this for a little longer, also knowing Kenma would appreciate it if you both let him finish his game.

" Are you done now Kenken?" you ask impatiently, although you really don't mind cuddling Kuroo a bit longer.

"yeah man, like we've been here for almost an hour we were supposed to go down to the beach," Kuroo says hoping his plans for the day aren't ruined.

"fine," Kenma says flatly while taking his headset off, and getting up to walk to the door.

"FINALLY! let's gooooo!" Kuroo says obviously annoyed and impatient.

"wait.. you have to finish your water first," Kuroo demands, as he pulls the back of Kenma's collar. you giggle.

Kenma gulps the water down with a sour look on his face like he's taking down a bottle of kid's medicine.

"Happy?" Kenma says with wide eyes and with a slight tone.

"Very." Kuroo says proudly while letting go of his collar.

"You're both something else.." you say at the realization of your two best friends.

-End of chapter 2-

Bottled memories (kurooxreader)Where stories live. Discover now