New Girl

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Monday: 7:45 am

The first day of school, your last year in high school. You put on your uniform and put your hair up in a messy bun, You grab your bag and make your way downstairs. 

"Bye mom! I"m off to school now!" you yell to your mom who's in the kitchen.

As you start to put on your shoes you hear the doorbell ring and open it to see Kenma and Kuroo waiting outside.

"Good morning chibi-chan!" Kuroo says giving you a hug. "ready to go?"

"Wait! let me get a picture first..." your mom says shuffling through the living room holding her phone in her hand.

"Mom, you do this every year. You don't have to take a picture," you say annoyed.

"Noo! it's you and Kuroo's last year of high school it's important." Your mom says like a child.

"That's what you say about every new school year mom..." you say flatly.

"Just let her, I mean it is our last year in high school and with Kenma," Kuroo says defending your mom and patting Kenma's head.

"I knew I liked you for a reason," your mom says proudly to Kuroo.

"Fine just take the picture," you say giving in.

"Okay okay, three, two, one.. smile!" your mom says encouragingly. 

You all make your way out the door and start walking to your school, Nekoma High. Where Kenma is the official setter, Kuroo is the team captain of the volleyball team, honor roll student, every teacher's favorite student, and very popular; and where you are also an honor roll student and the manager of Nekoma's boys' volleyball team.

You all go about your day and classes... you kind of hate how Kenma is a year younger than you and Kuroo or else all of you would have the same classes, but since he's not, you and Kuroo always have the same classes and always sit next to each other since Kuroo will never let you sit somewhere else. How clingy of him... although you don't mind. 

Without even realizing it, it's the end of the day and the three of you meet up at the gym doors for the first volleyball practice of the year. You catch up with Coach Nekomata and tell him how you'll miss being manager and will start looking for your replacement for next season. While the boys are in the change room, you notice two students already in the gym whom you've never seen before. You didn't think much of it until the boys come back into the gym and sit in front of the coach. 

"As you all know this will be Kai, Yaku, Kuroo, and Y/N's last year with us. They have provided us many achievements and have made us very proud over the past few years! It will be sad to see them go, but I'm very proud of who they've become and who they will continue to be." Coach says with a big smile, "Anyways moving on with some other news, we have a new student joining our team. His name is Lev Haiba, he will be one of our middle blockers." he says while giving a somewhat harsh slap on Lev's back.

Lev was standing next to you and Coach mentioned that he was tall, he wasn't lying. The dude was TALL. He towered over you like you were standing next to the Eiffel tower. But from the way he was keeping his distance, you could tell he was actually shy, so you introduced yourself.

"Hi, I'm Y/N! I'm the manager of the team! I'm really pleased to meet you," you say nicely while putting your hand out hoping he'll shake it. 

"H-hi, I'm Lev!" he says shyly with a warm smile. He shakes your hand and you can tell he feels more at ease.

"So Lev, tell me more about yourself," you say interested and encouraging.

"Well, I'm about 6"4 or 6"5 as you can probably tell," he says giggling, " I"m half Japanese and half Russian but I'm born and raised here... I plan on becoming Nekoma's new ace!" he says confidently.

"Wow, that's cool! I can tell we will be good friends. I wish you luck with becoming the ace, you have some big shoes to fill... You should ask Kuroo to mentor you he's really good and he's also one of our middle blockers." You say pointing in Kuroo's direction only to look over and see him talking to a girl, it kind of makes your blood boil.

"Oh uh who's that?" you say confused.

"Oh that's my older sister, come I'll introduce you!" Lev says smiling.

'Okay be nice, she's new, be nice, you and Kuroo are just friends...' you think to yourself as you and Lev start to walk across the gym towards Kuroo. You watch them as Lev's sister starts to giggle and touch Kuroo's arm while Kuroo just stands there. 

"THAT'S MY ARM!" you yell angry before getting close to Kuroo and Lev's sister. Everyone is staring at you until you realize what just happened. What the hell is wrong with you?! did you really just yell out loud? 'Get your shit together Y/N' you think to yourself.

"Uh, are you okay?" Lev asks you confused and kind of weirded out.

"Uhh yeah I just thought something was on my arm like a spider, I don't like spiders," you tell him hoping that it covers up the situation.

"Okay, noted. I don't like spiders either." Lev says agreeing.

'He's kind of wholesome, it's like talking to a big kid, literally," you think to yourself feeling enlightened. 

"Y/N this is my older sister Alisa, Alisa this is Y/N, my new friend," Lev says introducing you to each other.

It took a few seconds for Alisa to realize you and Lev were there because all her attention was to Kuroo.. 'ugh what a bitch' you think, that wasn't nice, you try to tell yourself to give her the benefit of the doubt, I mean Kuroo is really likable and you guys are just friends so why are you jealous?

"Chibi-chan!" Kuroo says giving you a big hug making Alisa's hand let go of his arm, which makes you smile wide and giggle.

"Oh hi! I was just talking to Nekoma's Captain who seems to make quite the impression," she says sweetly. You hate how she actually seems nice because it makes you feel bad for hating her already.

"Oh, thanks, Alisa! But there's no need for that," Kuroo says laughing knowing he does make quite the impression towards everyone. He's such a hoe for praise.

"Anyways, Kuroo this is Lev and I hope you teach him well, he and I are going to be good friends," you say linking arms with Lev, claiming him like he was a lost puppy.

"Is that so? Just don't steal Y/N from me okay?" Kuroo says hugging you again like a kid.

"Oh of course not!" Lev says nervously.

"Maybe you and I can be really good friends too, Kuroo..." Alisa says acting like she did something. You swear if everyone wasn't around and she wasn't the sister to a really sweet boy, you'd beat the crap out of her. But you know you shouldn't.

Kuroo, Still hugging you says, "Yeah we can be friends but no one will ever come as close to me as much as Y/N has. She is and will forever be my number one girl and my other half. Simple." Kuroo says reassuring Alisa in a way where you're sure he wasn't even trying to flirt, but just saying the truth. 

"Oh yes for sure, best friends forever I see?" Alisa says trying to laugh.

You blush and go to the storage to get the volleyballs trying to run away before anyone notices you. You can't believe he really said that no matter what Kuroo will always choose you, and that to you means more than anything ever will. 

-End of Chapter 8-

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