First date

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Timeskip four days: Friday: 12:00 pm

'It's the day you've been dreading. The day you might lose your best friend forever... maybe you're being too dramatic? but what if you're not..?'

"Hello? Y/N?" Kuroo says waving his hand in front of your face.

"Hmm, oh sorry.. What no not that one it's too casual..." you say rejecting a t-shirt Kuroo was showing you while trying to pick out an outfit in his room.

"Well, then I don't know what to wear if you're just going to keep rejecting everything I show you!" Kuroo yells in frustration, "Why does it even matter what I wear?? I don't even really want to go on this date and it's just this little coffee shop anyways. It's nothing special..." Kuroo mumbles.

You don't even understand why you keep pushing him. But you think subconsciously, you want him to experience dating as a teenager should, and he deserves to anyways. You might regret it, but you also just don't want him to regret anything when he's older. "No, you're going, at least go on just this one... and if you really don't like it then you can call me and Kenma, and well come rescue you," you say trying to compromise.

"Fine whatever this is just stupid," he says rolling his eyes.

"Here what about this one?" you say raising a nice button-up shirt.

He grabs it reluctantly, takes off his shirt, and puts the button-up on. He looks in the mirror, continues to button his shirt, and then fixes his hair. He kind of gives a smoldering look in the mirror, which makes you smile. he notices you staring through the mirror and winks at you. You look away and blush still smiling. This boy needs to fucking cool himself with that shit.

He turns back to you and straightens his back. You hate it when he does that because it makes you feel some type of way. But you just shake it off. "Okay, you're ready to go. Are you going to pick her up?" you ask while you brush off his shoulders.

"No, we're going to meet there," he says.

"okay well- have fun, I guess," you say hesitating while looking down to the ground.

Kuroo walks closer to you, grabs your chin with his fingers to lift your head, and says while he looking you in the eye, "Oh chibi-chan, don't get insecure on me now..." with a smirk. 

'What is he trying to do to me???' you think. You clear your throat, "I'm not! Now go." You demand pointing at the door. 

He leaves the room and exits the house. You watch him leave and you let out a big sigh, not knowing what to do now. When all of a sudden you get a call from Kenma. 

"Hello?" you answer.

"Get out here before I leave." Kenma replies back bluntly.

"I'm confused..." you say looking around.

"Look out the window, you idiot," he says with an attitude.

'That bitch needs to calm down,' you think staring at your phone. You look out the window and see Kenma wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses.

"Uhh what are you wearing?" you ask even more confused.

"We're going to spy on Kuroo duh," he says looking up at you.

"What no! That's not right... I told him if he needs help he can call us," you say.

"Okay how about we get ice cream and if he doesn't call in an hour we go stalk him?" Kenma negotiates. 


So sometime later, you can Kenma go out for ice cream. As you guys sit in the parlor eating your ice cream, you keep checking your phone to see if Kuroo called. but he never did.

"Sadness," you say plopping your head down on the table.

"I told you, let's go..." Kenma says still wearing his sunglasses and licking his ice cream.

You don't think it's a good idea... BUT... you go anyways.

You get to the coffee shop which is in a cute little plaza surrounded by other little shops. You and Kenma see them and hide behind a few bushes. You don't know how you feel about this until you actually stop to watch them. They're laughing together... it kind of hurts.

"Kenma I think we should go..." you say.

"Why what's wrong?" he asks you.

"He seems to be enjoying himself so we should just leave," you say already disappointed.

"Hey!" Kenma says raising his voice while grabbing your wrist.

"Hey! Let go," you say trying to loosen his grip.

"No! Y/N what the hell!? Why are you giving so easily??" he says firmly and then smacks your forehead with his palm.

"OW!" you yelp.

"NO!" he says back.

"What do you mean no!?? You just smacked me!" you yell at him.

"NO! You aren't a quitter, since when do you give a shit!? If you give up on yourself now, then you aren't the same friend I met when I was younger and you certainly aren't the same person who told me to appreciate myself!" Kenma says.

He was right. Why were you letting yourself falter? You straighten your back and stand up straight. Kenma smiles.

"That's what I thought. Now we can leave now and feel like the badass bitches we are!" Kenma says.

"OKAYY!" you yell feeling encouraged.

You and Kenma look to try to see Kuroo on his date on last time before leaving, but they were gone. You both turn and get startled because Kuroo was standing right behind you.

"What are you guys doing here?" he says towering over you with his hands on his hips. You forgot how tall he is.

"Uh-" Kenma struggles to find words.

"None of your business..." you say lifting your head and crossing your arms.

Kuroo copies you, crossing his arms, and gives a smirk, "Oh really? You guys just so happen to be here, the same place my date is..." Kuroo says.

"Yes. Don't think you're anything special, the world doesn't REVOLVE around YOU Kuroo Tetsuro..." You say clearly.

"Right, yeah okay.." he says laughing.

"Where's your date anyways," Kenma says also crossing his arms and pouting.

"She's in the washroom..." Kuroo says.

"Okay well KENMA AND I have better places to be than talking to you," you say with attitude

"Yeah- BUH-BYE!" Kenma adds snapping his fingers while tippy-toeing so he can reach Kuroo's face. 

You both strut away not daring to ever look back. Kuroo watches you and Kenma, but mainly you, walk away...

'Damn, she's something else... I love it," Kuroo thinks in his head while he melts at the sight of you and your new-found attitude. 

"That's what I'm fucking talking about!" Kenma exclaims.

You smile confidently knowing damn well Kuroo was staring at you walk away. You thought you should look back, but you didn't because you could feel his eyes on you, which only made you feel more empowered.

-End of Chapter 16-

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