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First, I just want to say thank you all so much for your love and support! I really wasn't expecting to write this or even publish it, but I'm glad I did. Life isn't always the nicest and it can get quite difficult, so I'm glad I turned to writing as an outlet. These last six months while writing this went by quicker than I expected. I had no idea what to expect, let alone know what to write... I'm glad I made it work in the end. I really didn't know how I was going to end it, so I'm glad I got to experience the process with you!

I also want to thank those who were there since the beginning and continue to read my story, it really warms my heart and it helped me keep writing. It honestly blows my mind how my story has made its way all over the world because I didn't even expect it to further from my country. 

I'll try to keep this short and sweet, so again, thank you all for sticking along for the ride and enjoying the journey with me... it was definitely quite the ride for me. I love all of you so much <3

I also wanted to let you guys know, that I may or may not be writing a sequel to bottled memories. So, keep an eye out for that;)

Also, don't forget to check out my new story A City Full of Stranger (Sunaxreader). I really enjoyed writing this story, so I thought, why not write another? I've put a lot of work into it so far so I hope you'll enjoy that one too!


Rosieebeaa <3

Bottled memories (kurooxreader)Where stories live. Discover now