A New Day

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Sunday: 8:00 am

(Disclaimer: I know some of these teams or character didn't attend the camp in the actual show or manga, but I mentioned them to add more characters and to integrate it more into Haikyuu itself and TW: there are some light mentions of harassment and/or assault )

You and the other managers, wake up early to prepare breakfast, the gyms, and to wake up the boys for the day. As you were getting ready, you realize that what happened last night was real. That what Kuroo said was real, but also that you forced him on a date. 'You may be an honor roll student, but sometimes Y/N you can be really dumb' you say to yourself. You decide that today is a new day, you're going to be productive, and carry on as normal (AS YOU SHOULD because you're a bad bitch anyways...). You make your way to the rooms to wake up the boys. You see the Nekoma room empty until you realize Kuroo is still there. You go closer to him, only to find him shirtless and still sleeping. You start to blush because he looks really cute when he sleeps, but also found it weird how Kuroo didn't get up early like he usually does. You brush it off anyways.

"Kuroo time to wake up sleepyhead," you say rubbing his shoulder.

He groans and turns to face you. He then hugs your waist, lifts his head to lay on your lap, and continues to sleep. You blush even more.

"Kuroooo time to get up," You say slightly pushing his shoulder back.

"Mmm five more minutes," he groans with his eyes still closed shut.

You roll your eyes, "No, come on it's the second day of camp, it's the most intense and fun day out of the whole camp trip," you say trying to encourage him to get up.

"Hmm okayy.. I'll get up then," he says like a little child. You giggle.

"Okay I'm going to go now okay?" you say trying to leave.

"Noo please don't go, I'm sorry, don't leave me," he says holding you tighter.

"Why are you sorry?" you ask him. 'Maybe he thinks he's dreaming' you think.

"I'm sorry about going on the date, even though I didn't want to go on it," Kuroo says.

You're a little confused about what he said but you still understood it, "Kuroo it's okay, now get up or else I won't give you attention," you say jokingly.

"Nooo! I'm sorry," he says whining.

"Okay so get up now," you say.

"Mmm.. Y/N... wait... Y/N?" he says realizing he was actually talking to you and not a dream.

"Yeah get up," you say bluntly while getting up to leave.

Kuroo sits up straight, clears his throats, and says "Ahem, yeah I don't care don't give me attention like PFFT," he says trying to play it cool.

You giggle and say "uh-huh," then leave.

Outside at the lunch benches, you spot Bokuto and a few other captains from other teams.

"Hey Bokuto!" you say while giving him a big hug.

"HEY HEY HEY! What's up Y/N? How have you been?" He asks you.

"I've been great, I hope you all are enjoying camp so far," you say turning to the other captains.

"Oh yeah, and the food you guys make is really good!" Daichi says nicely.

" Y/N!! you didn't tell me you were coming this year?" says Oikawa excited to see you.

"Oikawa! still, flatter than ever I see..." You say as you give him a hug.

Akaashi laughs, while Bokuto spits out his drink. "Hey! there was really no need for that," Oikawa says hurt.

"Well it's nice to see you guys again, we need to definitely catch up maybe we should plan a Halloween party since it's next month..." you suggest.

"OMG! that sounds like a good idea, I'll plan it and we can have it at my house!" Oikawa says excitedly.

"Yup sounds good!" everyone says.

"Well I'm on my way to the kitchen anyone needs anything?" you ask.

No one needed anything, so you head to the kitchen to get some more food for everyone. As you were making your way to the kitchen you bump into a guy you've never seen before. You say sorry and try to continue walking, but the guy just gets in your way again.

"Uh excuse me do you mind?" you say slightly annoyed.

"No, I don't mind... but do YOU mind telling me your name?" he says trying to flirt.

"I do mind..." you say flatly continuing to walk.

"Hey what's the rush? I'm Terushima," he says.

"Okay, and I didn't ask," you say with attitude 'God, this guy is an asshole' you think to yourself.

As you almost make your way through the kitchen doors, he corners you against the wall and pins both of his hands against the wall so you have nowhere to go.

"Hey! what's your problem?!" you say struggling to leave. You start to get uncomfortable.

"Nothing, just tell me your name, and maybe we can... get to know each other, you know?" he says thinking he's flirting.

Before you could say anything else , Kuroo turns the corner to see what was happening. He grabs Terushima by the collar and says "I'm pretty sure when someone says no it means no... don't you think so?" Kuroo says.

"W-what? I was just asking her for her name..." he says scared.

"She doesn't have to tell you anything and she doesn't owe you anything. Got it?" Kuroo says firmly.

He puts Terushima down. Bokuto notices what was happening and approaches the three of you.

"Tsk tsk tsk, really Terushima? You need to learn how to actually flirt," Bokuto says while slapping his back.

You look at the three boys in front of you and you see how much taller Kuroo and Bokuto are compared to Terushima, it made you slightly blush knowing Kuroo was there to help you.

"Next time you want a girl to talk to you, don't force yourself on her," You say confidently as you knee him in his groin, "got it?" you finish as you turn to walk into the kitchen.

Terushima falls to the ground on his knees and tries to say the words I'm sorry.

"DAMN! Y/N is something else, isn't she?" Bokuto says proudly.

"Yeah, she really is something..." Kuroo says as he watches you walk away. He blushes and just admires your bravery and confidence...

"Okay pick yourself up," Kuroo says to Terushima who's still on the floor. 'She's so- she makes me feel some type of way that Y/N" Kuroo says as he walks away smiling warmly.

-End of Chapter 13-

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