Start of Something New

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Timeskip: a  few weeks- Thursday: 12:30 pm

 "Do you want to go get lunch?" 

"Aw, I can't I have a lecture in 10 minutes..."

"It's okay, we'll just get dinner later, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you later, I love you."

"Yeah, I love you too." 

Too bad Kuroo couldn't get lunch today. You've both been busy lately but you still made up for it somehow, whether it was dinner or calling each other, or even going out for the weekend.

'Oh well, I guess I'll just get lunch alone...' you were about to continue to walk through the quad until you hear someone talking to you.

"I can join you if you'd like?" It sounds familiar. She sounds sweet and kind. 

"Oh! Uh hi, Alisa!" you were surprised. "I didn't know you went to school here..."

"Yeah, I didn't know you and so many of your friends were going to attend school here too..." she has such a kind smile on her face. Though, you really didn't know how to feel about this.

"Well, I don't mind going to lunch, shall we?" you say. It would've been embarrassing to turn her down. 

You both continue to walk to a nearby restaurant and took your seats at a table.

"So, how's Lev?" you asl flipping through your menu. 

"Oh! He's good, he says he misses you guys and that playing volleyball isn't the same with you as the manager and Kuroo as the captain..." she laughs. 

"Yeah, we should really visit soon..."

"How are you and Kuroo?" she asks. You felt a little on edge. It was a while since what happened between Kuroo and Alisa but for some reason, it felt like talking to his ex. Or maybe it's because you knew how she felt about him?

"We're good... It's almost been one year, so..." you giggle awkwardly. 

"That's so exciting! You guys really are such a power couple. I mean you're both smart, outgoing, manager of Nekoma dating the Captain. It's like out of a movie..." she says. 

"Awe, thank you..." you say. Alisa wasn't too bad. There was some tension in the air but you could tell Alisa was trying her best to keep the conversation. 

"You know, Alisa you don't have to feel so bad. I can tell you still feel guilty about what happened all those months ago but I'm telling you right now I'm not mad and if anything, I hope we can be friends," you say with a smile. And you weren't lying. You really did want to be friends.

Alisa lets out a deep breath, "I'd really like that!" he gives you a bright cheerful smile.

You guys continue to eat and talk about what was happening in your life. It turns out, Alisa is actually trying to get into modeling and so you give her Mayumi's number in hopes she could help her. You tell her about your future plans and how excited you are to start your career. You talk about how fun university is and how it's nice to have some change in your life but how you'll never get away from Kuroo. Not that you're complaining or anything. 

After eating, you both walked about back to campus and parted ways. Maybe you and Alisa actually could be really good friends. It would be like the start of something new.

A few hours later, you make it back to your dorm room and decided to finish up your homework. You thought you'd look out your window to see what Kuroo's doing, but his lights were off. 

'That's weird, he's usually in there studying...'

"Knock knock," you hear someone call from the other side of your door. 

"Come in!"

"It's me!" Kuroo says coming in with a takeout bag. 

"Of course it's you. You're the only idiot I know who says 'knock knock' instead of actually knocking..." you say taking the bag from him. "Ouu, you picked up dumpling from the dumpling house!" (The one's from your first date).

"Hey! I think it's cute when I do that!... And yeah, I figured we haven't had them in a while and I miss you. I feel bad for being so busy, so I'm making up for it," He says giving you a kiss on the cheek. 

"well, at least you find it cute..." you take a seat on your bed and open up the styrofoam containers. 

Kuroo takes a seat beside you and begins eating. 

"You know, I had lunch with Alisa..." you say stuffing your mouth with another dumpling.

Kuroo stops midway into a bite and gives you a shocking look with wide eyes. "R-really?? That's- unusual... I mean there's nothing wrong with that, it's just... Alisa." 

"Yeah, I know. I thought it was weird too but she seems really guilty about it even though it's been a long time," 

"You know, I find it weird that she apologized to you but not to me... I'm kind of offended," Kuroo says jokingly. 

"Maybe I'm just more important to her," you say taking another bite into your dumpling. He rolls his eyes.

"Well, I think it's great that you're letting her move on..." he says encouragingly.

"Oh that also reminds me... Alisa and I were talking and Nekoma was brought up. She says they're good and the team misses us," 

"Oh right! It's been a while since we've been back, maybe we should visit for the weekend," Kuroo suggests.

"Awe, we should. I miss Kenma and I really want to see if coach needs help..." you agree. 

"Then it's settled, we'll leave tomorrow night and surprise everyone because we all know they miss me," he says with a cocky smirk. 

"Ha! We both know it's ME they all miss... keep dreaming you rooster looking ass..." you say crossing your arms and flashing him a playful grin.

He was not happy with that comment. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah!" you challenge him. 

"Take that back...."

"Or what?"

Kuroo squints his eyes. He carefully places the dumplings on your desk and takes a deep breath. You look at him confused. Within seconds, Kuroo tackles you, causing you to fall back onto the bed and starts to tickle you. 

"Kuroo stop!" you yell in laughter.

"No, you didn't stop so why should I?" he says pinning you down. 

He sees your face turn red and notices you gasping for air, he finally stops. "You know chibi-chan, no matter how old we get or how much of our lives we spend together, I'll never get tired of you..." Kuroo speaks his sweet words with a smile. You can tell he means it. 

"You're so cheesy," you giggle. "But I'll never get tired of you either Kuroo Tetsuro..." you say caressing his cheeks. 

"Hmm, Y/N Tetsuro... I kind of like the sound of that," he teases.

You blush. "H-how do you know I even want to take your last name, huh?"

"Ouch. That kinda hurts..." he says with a frown. 

You roll your eyes. "You always know how to make me feel bad..." He smiles like a child. 

"Don't worry Kuroo Tetsuro, one day our last names will be the same..." you say. You pull him in for a kiss that you've been wanting for the whole day. 

-End of Chapter 42-

Bottled memories (kurooxreader)Where stories live. Discover now