Gate 827

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Timeskip: two weeks, Sunday: 11:00 am

The last day before school starts. The two weeks didn't pass by as quickly as you wanted them to go... you realize how Kuroo made everything so fun and enjoyable. You know for a FACT that you could just sit there in silence and it would be more enjoyable than anything else. Kuroo was coming back today and since you guys didn't talk a lot during his trip, you were feeling multiple things. You were happy because you missed him, you were nervous because you hadn't seen each other or spoke in a while, and you were scared because you didn't know how to approach him about that one night. 

You decide to just push all those feelings aside because you just wanted to see your best friend first. You decided that you wanted to look nice, not for any particular reason, but you wanted to dress up a little for yourself... and NO ONE ELSE... or at least that's what you tried to convince yourself to believe. You throw on a cute sundress with spaghetti straps and some sneakers. you put your hair up nicely into a low messy ponytail that makes it look like you tried but you really didn't. And then you headed to Kenma's and you both made your way to the airport. 

"Well don't you look.." Kenma paused, looked you up and down, and continued, "interesting."  then proceeded to play his game.

"what? interesting? like bad or good? what the hell is that even supposed to mean Kenma??" you say starting to ramble sounding worried for SOME reason.

"Woah can you calm yourself... I was just kidding you look nice. Although it's different from your usual look, it's nice." he says reassuring you.

"oh okay my bad, thanks..." you say feeling kind of bad for getting overworked.

"yeah, Kuroo will love it" Kenma replied back soon after calmly.

"excuse me?!" you say shocked looking towards him.

"you heard me.." Kenma saying without taking his eyes off his game.

'This bitch has some nerve doesn't he?' you think to yourself as you continue to drive.

You and Kenma make your way to Kuroo's gate, gate 827, and wait as you already see people boarding off the plane. You wait excited and anxiously, you start to bite your nails while looking around until Kenma smacks your hand away, again, without taking his eyes off his game. 

"Stop it. Just relax it's Kuroo, same dumbass that left and same dumbass coming back." Kenma says calmly.

You take a deep breath and just shake it off. he was right, it's just Kuroo, same dumbass and idiot.

You watch the gate until you see Kuroo and his parents come off the plane and head towards you and Kenma. And there he was... Kuroo Tetsuro. You could tell he got tan and he's definitely been active throughout the vacation. He starts to approach you... 'Same dumbass, same dumbass, same dumbass...' you repeat to yourself profusely.

"Kenma, Y/N!!" he says excitingly. he gives Kenma a big hug even though Kenma doesn't react.

"hi," Kenma says bluntly. 

Kuroo sighs, "Hi Kenma..." Kuroo says knowing what to expect from Kenma as he pats his head.

"I don't get a hug?" you say frowning while your arms are still wide open. 

Kuroo turns to you and says "I was saving the best for last..." and then proceeds to hug you, pick you up off the ground, and spin you around. You both giggle and smile at each other trying not to blush.

It took Kuroo a moment to realize how you looked until he slowly looked you up and down with his eyes wide, "Oh uh- you look nice, I didn't realize until now, but it's- good yup." He says nervously as he starts blushing like crazy. 

in your head, you go crazy and try not to blush but instead, just go "thank you Kuroo, you look good too." almost like you were... flirting?? HELLO??! you don't flirt.. what the hell is wrong with you.. you shake it off.

You greet Kuroo's parents and help them with their luggage as you all headed to the car. In the car ride, you tried to not be as awkward as possible, so you connect the AUX to your phone and start playing your favorite songs.

Kuroo notices and turns up the volume as he continues to drive, "I love this song" he says happily.

"that's because you like the same songs as me," you say.

"Yeah, you're right... you do know me better than I know myself chibi-chan... I guess you're kind of perfect like that." he says nonchalantly as if that was just a normal thing to say. 

You just sit there blushing, wanting to turn back to Kenma who was sitting in the back because you didn't know how to react. So instead you put down your sun visor and slide it to open the mirror, to which you can see Kenma with wide eyes looking right back at you. You just both look at each other in shock at what Kuroo just said until Kenma starts to give a smirk at you which makes you feel weird and you just quickly put the visor back up.

"what's wrong Y/N?" Kuroo says slightly startled because of how aggressively you put up the visor. 

"Nothing! I'm just great!" you say with a big smile. 

You continue to sing to the songs playing, which take your mind off everything. You didn't notice it but Kuroo was staring at you every now and then because of how cute you looked while you were singing. it was almost as if Kuroo was watching you in slow motion trying to enjoy every last bit of you doing your own thing. For Kuroo, he always admired how you never really cared for what people think about you and how confident you are in yourself. He knew you never needed saving and how independent you were, but because of that, it made him want to be around you even more. He knew that if you were miles apart, maybe even on different continents, he'd jump on a plane just to help you in a heartbeat if you needed him. Because that's how much he cared for you.

-End of Chapter 7-

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