She's Everything and More

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Saturday 10:45 pm

You and Kenma continue to sit on top of the hill, even though you were supposed to leave about half an hour ago. Your sweater was damp since Kenma used it as a face wipe, but didn't care, because you knew he just needed you to be there for him. Poor Kenken.

"hey Y/N, what's wrong?" you hear a familiar voice quietly call behind you.

you turn around and it's Kuroo. "I'll explain later, I think Kenma's sleeping though so don't be too loud," you say whispering.

Kuroo sits down beside Kenma who's now sleeping in your arms and snuggled in your shoulder. Kuroo then comes closer to Kenma so that he's warm and feels safe.

"It's beautiful tonight isn't it?" Kuroo says.

"Yeah, can you believe that there are so many stars out there," you say looking up at the stars.

You and Kuroo stay quiet for a moment until you break the silence, "Kuroo?" you say.

"Yes Chibi-chan?" he replies.

"What are we? I know we're best friends and nothing will ever change that, but you kissed me. Friends don't do stuff like that, leave for two weeks and expect the other person to know everything. I have questions you know? A lot," you say a little frustrated.

"I know and I'm sorry you feel like you don't know what to do, so ask," he says calmly.

You're kind of surprised with how forward he is but you seize the moment to ask everything that is on your mind, " Okay... what are we?" you ask.

"You already answered that yourself, we are best friends always were and always will be, nothing will ever change that," he says smiling at you.

"Okay so then why did you kiss me?" you ask next.

Kuroo lets out a deep breath, "Because... my whole life I've only ever liked one person, as if I haven't shown enough of my feelings," Kuroo laughs, "And that one person, she's always been there for me and yes, she stubborn most of the time and sometimes she can be a little clumsy, but everything about her is perfect, I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." Kuroo smiles even more, while you start to blush.

"Did I mention how beautiful she is? She is breathtaking, I don't even know where to begin. Looking at her is more precious than owning all the most valuable things the world has to offer... her smile alone is worth more money than anyone can buy. Her laugh is something I want to hear on repeat more than my favorite song. And her gorgeous face outshines any model out there. God, her personality is so complex yet so interesting. but I wouldn't want to have it any other way. Her stubbornness and independence just make her even more irresistible than she thinks. She doesn't take any crap from anyone because she stands by what she believes in... she may seem mean and scary on the outside but seeing her kindness and generosity is more beautiful than life itself. The way her mind thinks is so interesting I swear she doesn't think as everyone else does. Lastly, her heart. Her heart is bigger than the sea and more meaningful than gold or diamonds, it's a strong one too, yet I can't help but feel it's fragile even if you touch it lightly. And if anyone were to break her heart, including me, then I don't even want to begin to describe how furious it would make me feel knowing someone has hurt her, even in the slightest." Kuroo lets out like he's been holding it in this whole time.

You sit there for a few seconds, completely taken back by what he just said to you. You don't know what to say and frankly, you don't know if you want to say anything after that. Could he be talking about you?

You gain your words back but instead of saying fully what's on your mind, you just say "wow.. I um- I think we should get inside now, I really don't want to get in trouble." you say trying to laugh. Kuroo agrees still smiling at you.

Kuroo picks Kenma up, who's still sleeping, and carries him as you both walk back to your rooms. Kuroo goes inside to put Kenma in his bed and then comes back outside where you were waiting for him.

"Alright, well goodnight," you say.

Before Kuroo gets the chance to say goodnight, he gets a text. he checks his phone to see who it is.

"who is it?" you ask.

Kuroo pauses, "It's... Alisa."

"oh..." your smile slightly fades, "what is she texting you about at this hour?" you ask still curious.

Kuroo reads the text to you but is hesitant. He reads it anyways knowing he can't lie to you. "She's asking if I want to maybe go on a date next Friday.." Kuroo says with not much excitement.

Your heart sinks, you want to tear up but you hold it in. "You should go," you say feeling defeated.

"what? why?" Kuroo says shocked.

"Because she seems like a nice girl and maybe you should give her a chance. I think you guys would look.." you pause feeling a big lump form in your throat and tears start to form, still holding it in, "look good together," you say forcing a smile.

"Are you sure? I don't know if I should..." Kuroo says trying to give you another chance to rethink your answer.

"Yes. I think it will be fun!" You say forcing an even bigger smile.

"Maybe I should just delete it.." Kuroo says about to delete the contact. But before he does, you grab it and just text 'Okay, sounds good!' for him and then give him back his phone.

"Why did you do that?" Kuroo says.

"Because just go, you deserve to go out on dates. You're young, handsome, and smart. Any girl can see that Kuroo so just go.." you say encouragingly.

He doesn't respond... "Okay goodnight, see you in the morning..." you say with a weak smile and then turning the other way as you start to walk to your room.

Kuroo just stands there as he weakly says "goodnight" back.

You wash up and head to bed. You start to cry, not knowing why you sent that text for him. Was it out of guilt? Feeling like he deserved better? You know you'll regret it later... ' he didn't even want to go on the date but you forced it' you think to yourself crying even more... 'No stop crying Y/N, stop wasting tears Kuroo's happiness is your happiness... if he likes her and ends up dating her you WILL accept it' you demand from yourself... it took a few more tears, but you fell asleep finally.

-End of Chapter 12-

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