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Timeskip a few weeks: 8:45 pm

It's been two weeks since you've settled into your new dorm. The girls' dorms were a whole separate building from the boys and you thought it would be weird to open your window and Kuroo not be there, but all good things must come to an end, right? Wrong.

To your amazing luck, the boys' dorms was the building right next to yours... and guess who's window lines up perfectly to yours? 


"Yes, Chibi-chan?" Kuroo asks continuing to read his book at his desk, which was right in front of his window. 

"Do you think this looks good?" you say fixing your outfit.

He looks up from his book, "Woah... Chibi-chan! Where are you going?" his face is shocked, looking you up and down, analyzing your outfit.

"WE are going to that party across campus," you say putting on your earrings.

"But whyy?? When we can just stay in and cuddle..." Kuroo whines.

"Kuroo, you can't keep avoiding the fact that I'm going to have to go out and meet new people, especially other boys..." Ever since you and Kuroo have gotten to university, he's gotten protective and jealous about ANY boy who lays eyes on you. Of course, Kuroo wasn't being toxic, if anything it was cute but you had to show him that you're missing out on the uni life.

"Kuroo, you have to trust me... Come on, it'll be fun,"

He groans, "I do trust you. It's the boys that I don't. I mean don't you remember what happened at the training camp with that Terushima kid! I was furious when that happened!" he starts to ramble.

"I know but I handled it did I not?" Kuroo scratches his head, knowing you're right. "Come on, Bokuto will be there and everyone else, so if something wrong does happen our friends will be there to back me up!"

He takes a moment to answer. He lifts his head to finally make eye contact, "Okay, fine we'll go..." he gets up to get ready.

You do a little dance and continue to get ready. "I'll meet you downstairs in 10!" you yell.

"Whatever..." Kuroo groans.

After a few minutes, you make your way downstairs and see Kuroo waiting there. He had sweats on and a hoodie on. 

"This is your outfit for our first party?" you ask gesturing at your cute blouse and skirt.

"Consider this a protest..." he says crossing his arms.

"Wha- you wearing sweats is a protest to going to a party?"

"Yeah, I was going to put on a button-up like usual, but I figured NO! I need to stand my ground and this is how I'm doing it. I'm protesting future parties by... not dressing up- for them..." he realizes how stupid he sounds.

you giggle, " Okie! Whatever you say," you kiss his cheek and continue to walk. 

He lets out a sigh and runs after you. You link arms with him and make your way to the party. 

You guys enter the room and loud music and the smell of alcohol hit you. A wave of adrenaline rushed through you and you were excited about your new college life. 

"Y/N! you made it! And you finally convinced Kuroo to let you out..." Oikawa says approaching you two. Coincidentally, Oikawa, Bokuto, Suga, and a few others all went to the same University. 

"Hey! The world is a dangerous place..." Kuroo says lifting his chin. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever... Anyways shall we?" you say linking arms with Oikawa. 

Bottled memories (kurooxreader)Where stories live. Discover now