My Girl

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Monday: 7:30 am

L/N= Last name

(Sidenote: Hii! I just wanted to say sorry for not posting in about a week or so, I've just had a ton of school work to do and I wasn't able to post as much as I wanted to but I'll try and make up for it this coming week! I hope you guys are liking it so far and please give feedback or comment I love talking with you guys!<3 Anyways continuing with the story...)

You wake up to the sound of your alarm. Time for school. You lay there for a moment to realize what your life is now... you have a boyfriend and it's who you've been wanting since the 2nd grade. Kuroo Tetsurou. 

Sometimes you worried that if you ever did start dating, that you wouldn't want him anymore and that your feelings wouldn't be the same because once you're done the chase there's nothing to look forward to. But that was a lie... having Kuroo now, there's just more to explore and you want to do it all with him. 

Yesterday felt like a dream and you're glad it wasn't. You take in a deep breath and close your eyes. You remembered how he picked you up and spun you around when he asked you to be his girlfriend. You remembered the car ride home and how he never let go of your hand. You remembered how when he dropped you off, your mom was so happy to hear you guys were now dating and how your dad was okay with it just because you brought home dumplings. Your dad likes Kuroo, always thought he was a good example for you and Kenma, you just think he's just being protective over you because you're actually dating now but deep down you know he's happy it's Kuroo that you're with. 

You stop daydreaming and get out of bed. You go take a shower, put on your uniform, and head downstairs. As you make your way down, you hear the doorbell ring and you already know who it is. 

"Hello, Kuroo!" your mom says as she opens the door.

"Goodmorning Mrs. L/N!" Kuroo says with a smile.

"Come in, Y/N should be down soon- oh look there she is.. honey hurry you're going to be late," your mom says as she lets Kuroo in.

"Good morning to you too mom," you say.

"Good morning chibi-chan, ready to go to school?"  he asks you as he grabs your hand and kisses it. 

You nod and make your way out the door. You both walk on your way to school as you hold hands as cheesy cute couples do. You didn't feel like things were different from before you guys were dating if anything it felt more comfortable and the only thing different was the PDA and the labels... and the fact that after all this time you both finally admitted your feelings for each other.

You finally arrived at school with about 15 minutes left to spare before the bell rings. 

"So, is this gonna be like a lowkey thing or-" you ask as you guys stand in front of the school.

"What's gonna be a lowkey thing?" Kuroo asks confused.

You let go of his hand, "This. Us. Are we gonna keep our relationship a secret or not make it obvious like we need to talk about these things..." you say remembering all the times you second-guessed yourself on what you and Kuroo's relationship was because that was just way too confusing and painful for everyone to go through again.

"Ohh! No Chibi-chan, I'm done hiding what I feel for you, you are mine and I am yours... And I'm gonna show everyone that too." Kuroo says holding your hand again.

You don't have time to say anything back because Kuroo starts to march through the school doors. You're kind of shy and walk with a lack of confidence. Kuroo on the other hand walks with his head held high and a straight back. His confidence radiates through the halls as everyone lays eyes on you and whispers as you pass by, it's like everything was in slow motion. You try to gain some confidence because you know there are a lot of girls already talking shit about you as if they already weren't talking shit about you. For some reason, most of the girls at school felt threatened by you and you didn't really know why. You figured it had to do with the fact that you're friends with Kuroo but it was also probably because Kuroo made it clear no one was ever good enough and never showed interest in anyone other than you.

Kuroo notices your uncomfortableness and decides to try to boost your confidence. "Come on Chibi-chan, remember I'm yours, so show them that," he whispers in your ear in a way that was definitely meant to be seductive, and you just know that bitch is smirking too. 

You smile, straighten your back, and strut your way through the hall alongside Kuroo who only matches your presence even more. It sucks how cheesy it is to admit, but you guys were honestly a power couple. But of course, some bitch just had to ruin it. 

Before you knew it, you were shoved to the side causing your back to hit the lockers and no longer holding Kuroo's hand. Ouch. Your confidence slightly went down and your anger slightly rose.

"OMG!! HI KUROO! It's been soooo long! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, can we pretty please go watch a movie together?" a squeaky ass voice says. Jessica. Fucking Jessica. She was always annoying but she's actually getting on your nerves now.

"Excuse me?! What the hell Jessica??" You say with a firm voice as you hold her shoulder trying to get her attention. 

"Jessica, I don't think it's a good idea for us to-" Kuroo tries to tell her in a calm manner but gets interrupted.

"Ew! Don't touch me you pig!" Jessica says as she pushes you against the lockers again. 

This time Kuroo didn't stay calm but instead was pissed. 

"Hey! don't touch her!" Kuroo raises his voice still trying to keep himself composed. 

"Kuroo... Why are you defending her? I seriously don't understand why you always stick up for that good-for-nothing twat, I mean it's not like you guys are even dating?!" Jessica scoffs.

"Just stop! You are delusional... Y/N is MY GIRLFRIEND. Period. You and I are never going to be together. I've tried explaining that to you and I've tried to be nice to you, but now you've messed with my girl and so I'm not tolerating this anymore..." Kuroo says in a very clear voice. 

"Ohh My GAwD! Y/N this is all your fault!" Jessica yells in your face and starts to cry. She runs towards the girl's washroom. 

"What the actual fuck?" you say rubbing your shoulder from when she pushed you. 

"Are you okay?" Kuroo asks you.

"Yeah I'm fine," you giggle. "So... your girl, huh?" you ask giving him a playful smirk.

He laughs, "yes," he puts his arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him. "My girl," he says and kisses your cheek. You smile and both make your way to class. You didn't realize that Jessica caused a scene and everyone was now staring at you a little more obvious but you didn't care. 'Welp, at least people know it's official now...' you think to yourself.

-End of Chapter 27-

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