Kuroo vs. You

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Saturday: 3:00pm

You, Kuroo, and Kenma make your way down to the beach, which thankfully isn't as packed as you thought it would be. You all walk down to the shoreline to feel the ocean breeze. You decide to take off your shoes to feel the water and sand in between your toes. You stand there you close your eyes and smile as you feel the sun on your face and take a deep breath just like you did so before.

"Stop staring it's weird," Kenma says quietly.

"w-wha... I'm not! Y- you're weird!" Kuroo yell-whispers while being really defensive.

You turn around to see what the fuss is about only to find Kuroo awkwardly laughing and Kenma on his phone playing a game.

"Alright, that's it..." Kuroo says while snatching Kenma's phone. " We're here to enjoy our last few weeks of summer, and you're not about to waste it away on video games right now," Kuroo says firmly.

Kenma sighs and looks down to the ground, obviously knowing Kuroo to be kind of a softie, he caves in and says "Fine you can have your phone back AFTER you play a few games of volleyball with us."

"deal," Kenma says slightly gleaming.

"wait- but there's not enough of us or else it would be uneven and I am NOT, I repeat NOT, going to 2v1 you guys again..." you say scarred from the last time you played beach volleyball with them.

" Don't worry chibi-chan, I called Bokuto to even out the teams. He'll be on your team while Kenma and I pair up," Kuroo says playfully.

You look over to the volleyball net and see Bokuto waving with a volleyball in his hand. You all make your way to the net and give Bokuto a friendly hug.

"Hey Bokuto!" You say cheerfully.

"Hi Y/N!! ready to beat these wimps?" Bokuto says with such confidence.

"Always ready," you say confidently with a smirk on your face as you give Bokuto a high five.

As Kuroo was walking to the other side of the net, he turns around slowly with a shocked/blank face. " beat...? wimps...?" he says in parts. " Now don't get too cocky over there chibi-chan, wouldn't want you to go home feeling so defeated," Kuroo says obviously getting his ego back and with a handsome grin on his face... God that smirk makes you melt. you get flustered.

Kenma serves the ball over to your side, Bokuto bumps it to you and you set it to Bokuto, who then slams the ball down onto the ground over on the other side of the court. Kuroo 0 - Y/N 1. You smirk at Kuroo who only smirks even more at you. You serve the ball over aiming at Kenma, who bumps the ball back over, to which Bokuto accidentally bumps too hard over to the other side before you're able to set to him.

"Oh sorry Y/N!" Bokuto yells.

Kuroo passes the ball to Kenma, who then starts to set Kuroo up, and of course, Kuroo looks at you and spikes the ball down right in front of you so hard and quickly you didn't even get the chance to react. He gives you a devilish grin. Kuroo 1 - Y/N 1.

This continues on for a few more games. Until you notice the sun starting to set and people starting to leave the beach. It's already 6:15 pm. At this point, you don't know the exact score, but you know you and Bokuto definitely won this time. As the sun sets, you and everyone else pant and drip in sweat from the intense yet fun games you all had. Kenma snatches his phone back and sits near a rock to start playing games again. Bokuto gives you another hug and waves everyone goodbye before heading home.

"Bye guys! Good game Y/N! We'll get them again next time too!" he says panting yet still energized.

You spot Kuroo sitting down near the shore while drinking his water. You decide to sit next to him and watch the sunset on the horizon.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Kuroo says admiring the sky that's mixed with different colors.

"Sure is... another moment to bottle," you say smiling as you turn your head to Kuroo who turns to you smiling as well.

" You know Y/N, I'm really glad I met you... I feel like you already know that but it's true I'm so grateful to have you in my life and it's just crazy you know?" he says thoughtfully while looking into your eyes. And it was true, you did know how much he appreciated you. Kuroo never failed to show his appreciation for others, and that's something you really admired about him, 'how could someone be so ...perfect.' you thought to yourself.

You blush. " ~aw Kuroo, shut up you're being stupid." you say laughing while nudging him only for him to playfully nudge you back.

"Do you think we should jump into the water to cool down?" he asks.

"No, we don't have bathing suits stupid," you say laughing at the idea.

"You don't need a bathing suit to go into the water." He says while getting up; taking off his shirt revealing his abs, which are covered in sweat. He walks into the water.

You blush even harder. "Aren't you going to come with me?" Kuroo says playfully pouting.

"No." you say with no expression.

Kuroo walks back over to you, throws you over his shoulder, and walks back into the water.

"H-hey! what are you doing!?" You say startled while slightly kicking and throwing light punches at him but still kind of enjoying it.

Kuroo doesn't respond and just laughs while throwing you into the water. He laughs at you as you start to get back up. "I don't know why you're laughing," you say seriously. Kuroo tilts his head in confusion. You catch him off guard and push him to fall back into the water. You then start to laugh at him.

"Ohh I see how it is," he says as he picks you up and spins you around. You both laugh at the moment until he stops, you both look at each other in the eyes like a spark of fire just ignited in both of you...

"Hey you idiots, let's go I'm tired" Kenma yells at the two of you just standing close to each other, bringing you back to reality.

"uh yeah... coming Kenken!" you yell back as you make your way back to shore, leaving Kuroo behind as he just stands and watches like he still hasn't snapped out of the moment.

"are you coming Kuroo?" you ask turning back at him with a cute smile.

"y-yeah go ahead," he says softly.

You turn back walking towards Kenma waiting for you. As you're walking towards Kenma you think... 'another memory to bottle'... you smile, blush, and continue walking.

-End of Chapter 3-

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