Weirder than Usual

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Saturday 8:00 pm

After your volleyball session at the beach, you and Kuroo drop Kenma off back at his house and start walking back to your house. The sky starts to turn into a dark blue color but it's not too dark as farther into the sky the sun is still peaking through. You are both walking slowly in your neighborhood still damp from the play fight you had in the water. You think to yourself about how today went... how you and Kuroo hung out just like usual only today felt different... but in a way where you had flutters in your stomach... you haven't really felt that since the 2nd grade (y'all remember what happened in 2nd grade right?;) ) Your thoughts all of a sudden get interrupted.

"What are you thinking about?" Kuroo says curiously.

"huh? oh, nothing," you say trying to brush it off.

"Come on I know it's something... you're always quiet in a different way when you're thinking and you walk with your head slightly down.. you also scrunch your nose when you think," he says like he's noticed these things over time. It's endearing to you.

You're surprised by his response, you sigh knowing you'll never be able to keep something from Kuroo. You've only ever been able to keep 1 thing from him, but even that is starting to slip out.

"well I don't know... today seemed normal just as usual but you were kinda different," you say not really knowing how to explain it.

"bad different?" he asks slightly concerned.

"No... just different... I don't know just- weirder than usual" you say laughing trying to lighten his mood.

"oh haha," he says nervously laughing, " Really? My bad maybe it's the... the summer heat getting to me," he blurts out, again, nervously.

"Hmm right, the summer heat..." you say not really believing it but just decide to brush it off, shrug, and say "maybe it's that."

He silently breathes out all the air he's been holding in thinking you wouldn't notice his relief. 'Oh Kuroo, sometimes you're not as slick as you think you are' you think to yourself while giggling a little.

"what's so funny?" he says.

"oh nothing!" you say sweetly while hugging his arm again like the way you did earlier.

You both make your way in front of your houses and walk on to each of your porches. Before entering your house Kuroo waves and says "bye loser!" while smirking at you.

"Oh shut up," you said laughing and rolling your eyes. And then enter your house.

Kuroo just laughs and also heads inside.

You don't know why he said bye when your windows literally face each other and you both know you'll be seeing each other again in a few minutes.

"Hey, mom, hi dad," you say to your parents who were sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey baby... are you hungry?" your mom asks.

"No I'm just tired, I'm going to go take a shower..." you respond.

"Okay... also why are you like- wet?" your dad asks super confused.

"Oh haha I went to the beach with Kuroo and Kenma," you say giggling and slightly blushing at the thought of what happened in the water.

"Oh okay... you get water on the stairs you wipe it please." your dad says casually.

"Okay!" you respond as you run up the stairs.

Your parents have always been fine with the idea of you being friends with boys. They raised you to stand up for yourself in case anything did happen, but they also trust Kuroo and Kenma since you all grew up so closely together. Your parents love Kuroo, and they're good friends with his parents too. Your parents never forced you to not be friends with them because they knew that they were who you wanted to hang out with and that was okay with them. Plus the girls you grew up with never really liked you... you don't know why but you'd honestly take Kuroo and Kenma over anyone else any day.

You make your way to your room and see Kuroo enter at the same time while eating a banana. You knew you'd be seeing each other again, it was really nothing new. He looks at you, waves, and smiles cutely. You smile and roll your eyes... you look back at him only this time his shirt has all of a sudden vanished. You start to blush.

"Didn't I just see you?" Kuroo says as he rolled the window up and smirking.

"Yeah, do you mind putting your curtain down I'm tired of seeing your face," you say acting tired but you're really just joking.

" Wow *sniff* you didn't have to hit me like that..." Kuroo says frowning while pretending to start to cry.

"Oh shut up you idiot," you say laughing as Kuroo starts to laugh breaking character.

"Do you want to watch a movie tonight?" Kuroo asks.

"Sure just let me shower first," you say grabbing your towel.

15 minutes later you make your way back into your room to see Kuroo, not in his room. You slightly frown, hoping you'd watch a movie together. But then to your surprise, Kuroo comes back into his room with a bunch of snacks.

"Hey dumb dumb catch!" he says as he starts to throw some of your favorite snacks into your window. You smile widely at the gesture while trying to catch each snack.

"Okay I get to pick this time," Kuroo says like a little kid.

"ugh fine... I'll let you pick just because you got us snacks," you say.

You both close your windows, grab your laptop, and make your way to your bed. You get a facetime call from Kuroo which you accept.

"Okay, we're watching..." Kuroo says some cheesy rom-com and sends you the link.

You both start watching the movie and eat snacks as you both make jokes about the movie... after about 45 minutes you start to fall asleep, Kuroo notices and says "chibi- chan you better not fall asleep on me now." You don't respond as you have now fallen asleep.

"Oh chibi- chan how you hurt my heart..." he says clenching his chest somewhat sad and somewhat happily.

" I hope you know you mean the world to me, I'd do anything for you without a second thought... and I hate how this is the closest I'll get to telling you this," he adds on softly.

He gives a small laugh, "God I wish you knew everything... but not yet, not right now."

He continues to watch the movie until about 15 minutes later he too starts to fall asleep.

"good night Y/N, sweet dreams, I hope you have the best dreams... I'll see you tomorrow," Kuroo says quietly to you, giving a small peck to the phone and then ending the call.

" *sigh* one-day chibi-chan... one day," Kuroo says to himself.

-End of chapter 4-

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