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Saturday: 6:00am

You wake up alone in your room, confused. Until you get up and realize you weren't alone but that Kenma was still sleeping on the floor. You wonder where Kuroo is but notice the time and wake Kenma to get ready since you have to be at school at 6:45 am. You shower in your parents' washroom so Kenma can shower in yours. You put on your Nekoma tracksuit and head downstairs to see Kuroo all ready and preparing sandwiches for everyone to eat on the way to school.

"Good morning Chibi-chan hope you slept well," Kuroo says with a bright smile and a wink. What a flirt.

"Good morning, you know you could've woken us up, right?" you say to him.

"Yeah but Kenma barely sleeps and you looked very peaceful and comfy, so I said I would wait until I was done making breakfast sandwiches," Kuroo says.

"Oh okay well thanks," you say appreciating his actions.

You grab the sandwich bag that has your name on it, you open it, but before eating you're skeptical, "Is this safe to eat?" you say with narrow eyes.

"Of course! what you think I poisoned it?" Kuroo says laughing.

You don't answer. 

"Wow okay, I see how it is... then don't eat it," Kuroo says offended trying to grab the sandwich away.

"No, but I'm hungry..." you complain.

"So then..." Kuroo says with raised eyebrows and gesturing to the sandwich.

"mhmm... no pickles?" you say quickly.

"Nope." he quickly says back.

You pause, "not too much mayo?"

"Nope, a thin layer. Used light mayo." He says.


"yes, two strips otherwise it would've been too much."

You open your mouth but before speaking he interrupts and says, "and no egg." 

You're impressed, "Wow you really are my best friend."

"the best," he says cutely.

(my bad if you don't eat or like any of those toppings)

You start to eat your sandwich which was perfectly made to your liking. You continue to eat making yummy noises as you take another bite. Kuroo just stares at you smiling, knowing you would've liked the sandwich. Kenma finally came downstairs and all of you started to head out the door. You say bye to your parents and brother, and make your way to school. 

The three of you meet the rest of the team in front of the school. You say good morning to Lev who, by no surprise, got dropped off by Alisa. 'Be nice' you say to yourself. You walk up to Coach Nekomata to get the schedule for the next few days, the list of schools attending, and the list of boys on the Nekoma team. You watch Alisa make her way to say hi to Kuroo who is still eating his sandwich. She begins to flirt with him, but Kuroo, despite being the smartest person you know, is so dumb and oblivious when it comes to girls flirting with him. She gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek then leaves. A KISS?! it makes you so mad you accidentally crumple the papers Coach just gave you.

"Oh? are you okay? You seem a little young to be getting cramps in your hands, don't you think?" Coach asks you with a surprised look on his face.

"Oh I'm so sorry Coach, I just got- cold all of a sudden it caused my hand to close." You say despite the beautiful weather.

"Right, well I suppose it can get cold at some point in the day, I should probably get more blankets for the bus ride," Coach says to you.

"God, snap out of it Y/N, what the hell is up with you?" you whisper to yourself. You continue loading the bus with everyone's bags and get yourself and everyone on the bus. You make sure everyone is on the bus and take attendance, then you tell the bus driver that he is able to drive to the camp now. you start to walk down the bus aisle looking for a seat until you realize, the only seat vacant is beside... Kuroo. 'This kid really won't take no for an answer will he?' you think while reluctantly taking your seat beside Kuroo who is smiling ear to ear.

"Y/N are you okay?" Kuroo asks.

You're confused as to why he asks that and respond, "yeah why?"

"Because although there have been many girls that have been, I guess, too friendly towards me, Alisa seems to get under your skin a lot," Kuroo confesses.

"What? are you saying I'm jealous? Why would I be jealous if we're just friends," you say feeling like those words would kind of hurt Kuroo unintentionally.

But he doesn't seem to react, instead, he just smirks. The confidence of this man is something else. "Right, okay so you would be okay if Alisa was ALL OVER ME and was like 'Oh Kuroo you're so handsome and strong and you're just so perfect." he says in his "girly voice".

you struggle but you reply saying, "nope."

"You wouldn't hate it if she kissed me and she cuddled with me, and wore my clothes... you know, cause girlfriends would wear their boyfriend's clothes..." he says trying to tease you.

Your blood is boiling, "WELL are you dating her?" you slightly raise your voice.

"No, do you want me to?" he said slyly. 

You hate him. You were going to say no but you remember you're still just friends. "I don't know, do you want to date her?!" you say slightly more annoyed.

"I don't know maybe I should since you don't seem to care," he says smiling.

"then maybe you should!" you say crossing your arms.

Kuroo leans in and whispers in your ear, "Chibi-chan stop being petty, I only want one girl.." he says slowly, and without looking you can already feel his smirk. 

You blush, but you were actually mad at him for joking around earlier so you turn to him, lean forward, and whisper in his ear, "I. Don't. Care." you say slowly and go back to your phone.

Lev, sitting in front of you pops his head up and turns around to face you and Kuroo, you both look up to him. 'Oh no, I hope he didn't hear that' you think to yourself.

" Kuroo I forgot to tell you, this might be weird but my sister wanted me to give you her number and she told me to tell you to text her some time," Lev says handing over a piece of paper to Kuroo. So many emotions were telling you to grab it, rip it, and throw it out the window... but you don't litter... so you don't do that.

Kuroo glares at you to see if you have any reaction, but you don't budge. Kuroo smiles at lev and says "Oh okay I'll text her sometime then," Kuroo says taking the paper and slightly moving it towards your face to tease you. You are furious at this point. You're so mad because you know you have no reason to be mad, you are the one who keeps saying you're just friends, so it's really your fault isn't it? You really try to convince yourself otherwise. You take a moment to think about Alisa, if you're going to be honest, she actually seems sweet, if anything I'm the bitch in this situation... Plus she's gorgeous and they'd probably have very beautiful and smart babies while I'd be the failure of an aunt. You scoff. 'I mean Kuroo also isn't doing anything about it and he's the one kissing ME (except that one time) and should be talking to ME about this, I'm just chilling,' You think to yourself... you really try to convince yourself. You grip your hands tightly, you feel like you're going to bleed. You need air but you can't open the window because Kuroo has the window seat. 

You get up without saying a word, and you walk up to Coach telling him you need to go to the washroom, thankfully there was a gas station close by, so the bus stops to take a quick washroom break.

-End of chapter 10-

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