Me and You Against The World

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timeskip a week- Tuesday: 12:30pm

(Sidenote: I know the timeline is getting a little messy but I'm just coming up with chapter ideas as I go so please bear with me... anyways thank you for all the love and support<3 Some of y'all have been asking for more chapters so you shall recieve! Also this one is definitely the longest chapter I've written so far but that's because I got carried away. Anyways, on with the story...)

Today was not it. Why? Because Kuroo wasn't here. Usually you wouldn't be mad because it's okay to take a break from school but it wasn't just that. You were also mad at him. WHY? Because you have a boyfriend and it's Valentine's day and usually those two go together really well, but for some reason Kuroo hasn't talked to you all day and when you knocked on his door before school, no one answered. You even tried to look through his window but his curtains were closed... He never closed them. What was happening? He never closes the window when he's changing because he thinks he's funny like that (even though you've told him a countless amount of times to close them) but god forbid you would've seen something different today... Was he seriously ghosting you? Whatever. You decided if you ever saw him today, you'd be petty (Because we love that).

You were sitting in English class, when the bell finally rings. You walk out the classroom and bump into Kenma. 

"Woah, someone's in a bad mood," he says noticing your grumpy face.

You just glare at him. "Let me guess? Prince charming not here today?" he says mocking your pout.

"SHUT UP." you say firmly. You grab his wrist and start marching away in the halls.

"Hey, I have gym class right now!" he yelps trying to remove your grasp on him, he failed.

You stop abruptly, "Oh yeah? So you're telling me you'd rather go to gym than ditch it with me??" you say staring him down.

"...I'd usually say no... but right now I think you're worse..." he says quietly. 

You don't listen to him and continue to drag him through the halls. You end up taking him to the rooftop. You finally let him go and force him to sit down. You sit down next to him. 

"Okay, what's wrong?" Kenma asks as he rubs his wrist.

"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you," you say. You sit beside him with your legs up to your chest and your head resting on your knees.

"I didn't say anything about my wrist, I asked if you're okay?" he repeats.

"..No?" you say confused.

"You don't know?" he asks.

"I do, I just don't know... It's Valentines day-" you say letting out a sigh.

"I know, I have a date planned for me and Hinata... I was going to have him over and we would play video games all night because he finally got a nintendo and he wants me to show him how to work Animal Crossing-" Kenma rants until he looks at you. Hearing him talk about his plans makes you sad.

"I'm sorry... I'm just happy," Kenma says feeling bad.

"No it's okay I know you are I don't mean to bring down the mood, I'm happy for you... I just thought Kuroo would have planned something or at least say 'Happy Valentine's day', you know?" you say feeling let down. You never expect anything from him, but maybe you just thought he'd acknowledge you today. Or maybe you just didn't like the idea of not seeing him... I mean out of the years you've been friends, not once has there been a day where you didn't see or talk to Kuroo.

" I'm sorry Y/N, I really don't know what to tell you, maybe he forgot?" Kenma says hoping that the excuse will work. It doesn't.

"Even if he forgot, he still hasn't talked to me once today and honestly I would let it slide but this feels harsh... something about this makes me feel like it's on purpose..." you say trying to analyze the situation.

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