Chapter 2

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     Hunter and his friend, Chase, were getting ready in their cabin. They were told to dress for a fight - for the tournament that would be held in the afternoon, and Hunter had put on a plain white buttoned shirt and brown slacks, which were loose on him despite his muscular build. Chase was also ready and he carried a sword.

     "Who knew bringing a sword from home would be useful," Chase said, glancing at Hunter.

     Chase had dark brown eyes - nearly black and he had curly black hair that curled around his ears, and his skin was a dark brown. They'd known each other since they were six and Hunter smiled at his closest friend.

     "We're always prepared," Hunter said, grinning cheekily. He waved his sword that was made out of the finest steel - a gift from his father. "Let's go. Liana is probably already there."

     They exited the cabin and entered the field that went on for miles. Around them were more cabins and they could see people departing their cabins to head towards the field, where a wooden stage was temporarily placed on - like a ring where boxers would fight. Surrounding the stage were logs a few people sat on and Hunter and Chase made their way towards the contest, letting the sun kiss their skin as they glided across the grassy field.

     As Hunter walked, he waved at people who smiled at him, their eyes lighting up at the mere sight of him. He would bow at girls and wave at guys. Most of them he'd never met before, but within one day he'd become friendly with most of his fellow campers.

     Soon, they reached the field of the battle, where Dawson stood on the stage. Hunter spotted Liana - her red hair was hard to miss amongst a crowd of blacks and blondes and browns, and he waved at her as he approached her. She immediately beamed.

     "Well, hello there," Liana said.

     Her blue eyes shone with a joy that made Hunter smile. Chase nudged her and she narrowed her eyes at him, and they turned to face the stage.

     "Well, I can't wait to crush everyone." Liana smirked. "We grew up training. This should be a piece of cake."

     "Well, technically everyone grew up training," Hunter countered. "Just not as much as we were forced to."

     Liana narrowed her eyes. "You must be fun at parties."

     Hunter chuckled and his eyes slid away to where Cassia marched towards the field. She was wearing black pants that hugged the curves of her legs and a white top that was also fitted, emphasizing how small her waist was. She was shoving past people who shot her looks and scowls.

     "Out of the way peasants," Cassia said, stalking towards the logs.

     Behind her, her guard was scrambling to keep up with her, her face full of panic as people cursed at Cassia. Hunter's eyes lingered on her, wondering about the girl who always wore a scowl.

     "You think you're better than us because you're a princess!" someone snapped. Cassia slid to a stop and wheeled on the boy, who was glaring at her with dark eyes. "But, your mother was sent away for bearing you. So, don't act like you're special because you're not."

     Cassia faltered. Like when Hunter called her out, her eyes widened, the browns of her eyes shimmering as she stumbled back, as if recoiling from a blow. Hunter's eyes remained on her as he drank her in.

     "What's her problem," Liana mumbled. She began to twirl her sword around, shooting Cassia a look. "I've heard rumours of the princess being dreadful and well, clearly she is."

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