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     Cassia and her father sat down at the desk in his bedroom, facing each other. Her father held papers in front of him and the reading glasses he usually wore sat neatly on the bridge of his nose. His eyebrows were furrowed as he scanned the paper.

     "Well, what is this meeting about?" her father asked, eyes raising to meet hers.

     "We need to do more for our people," Cassia said, clasping her hands together. She rested her fists on the desk splitting them apart. "And I was thinking we should create a food bank."

     "A food bank?"

     "Yes, a place where anyone who needs to grab food can go. No one should ever go to bed hungry, so I think we should implement this to help the poor of Oflaria."

     Her father's eyes sparked with interest. He studied her, looking impressed.

     "That is a brilliant idea," her father said, breaking out into a smile. "We will work on that immediately. Good job, Cassia."

     "Thank you."

     Cassia beamed. As the months had flown by, Cassia became more and more involved with overseeing the citizens of Oflaria and her father grew to respect her and her ideas. They'd gotten closer as well and for the first time ever, Cassia relished in being a princess.

     "Well, I'm going to see Hunter," Cassia said, rising to stand. "I'll see you later for dinner."

     "Of course. And once again, thank you for all your help. I look forward to the day you rule Oflaria."

     Cassia smiled warmly and turned around and rushed off, feeling fulfilled.


     Cassia strolled down the dirt path towards where Hunter, Liana and Chase stood among a field of grass that was next to a giant farmhouse with horses and cows littered between some fencing. They were plotting holes into the ground and planting trees that would blossom by the farmhouse. These trees would grow a variety of fruits; ranging from apples to pears.

     Hunter stood off to the side on his own while Liana and Chase littered farther away. Chase stood with Haru who'd come to visit him as well and their hands were intertwined. Cassia strolled towards Hunter who's hat tipped forward, shielding the eyes she loved so much.

     Liana glanced over at Cassia and Cassia waved. She nodded back and waved, and Cassia bowed her head. Things were different between them now. No longer was there any tension or jealousy, but they weren't exactly friends either - some things couldn't be mended with merely time. But, she was glad that Liana and her no longer hated each other.

     "Hi," Cassia said, finally reaching Hunter.

     Hunter jolted at Cassia's voice and his head flung up to look at her. And the moment their eyes met, he broke out into a smile that overtook his entire face. Cassia's heart stuttered at the sight. No matter how much time passed, Cassia never got used to how stunning he was.

     "Hi there," Hunter said. "What are you doing here?"

     "Hoping you're done work."

     Hunter grinned. "Well today's your lucky day because I am."

     Cassia smiled. Whenever she was with Hunter all she felt was this warmth blossoming through her, reminding her that she found home in another person.

     "Perfect, let's go on a date then," Cassia said.

     Hunter's eyebrows shot up and Cassia's smile magnified. He stepped closer to her, abandoning his shovel to close off the space between them.

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