Chapter 26

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     Hunter pealed his eyes open. He blinked a few times, feeling dozy and his eyes scanned the area before he stilled. He tried to stand up, but was stuck put; his legs were tied to a chair and his arms were tied behind him - both with rope, and that was when everything came back to him.

     Cassia. Cassia had ambushed them and nearly killed Chase, and a vortex of anger ballooned in him at the sight of her launching her sword at Chase, who'd been merely talking to him. He couldn't believe she'd stoop to that. He couldn't believe she was capable of killing.

     Hunter huffed and glanced around, noticing the room had nothing, but him in it. The walls were white and the floor beneath him was made out of cement, and there was one window that light seeped through to fall upon him.

     And despite there not being bars, Hunter felt like he was in jail.

     Hunter jolted when the door flew open and Cassia appeared. Her eyes burned into him - dark brown and full of hatred and he gulped at the sword she held. He could still feel the metal pressing against his neck, threatening him to stay put and he tensed.

     She had changed.

     Cassia slammed the door shut and now it was just the two of them. Her hair was damp as if she had just showered and he inhaled the scent of green apples - the scent he'd been overwhelmed with when they were lovers back in the camp.

     It was horrifying to feel both joy and terror at seeing her.

     "Well, look who the prisoner is now," Cassia said, smirking as she pointed her sword towards him. "This is what you tried to make me."

     Hunter winced, but then his jaw clenched. Because no matter what, he couldn't forget the way she nearly killed Chase.

     "You nearly killed Chase," Hunter spat. "I know you're mad, but to kill him when he was unprepared was heartless."

     "You killed Astra," she snapped. "A life for a life is only fair."

     Hunter's blood ran cold. Astra was dead and it was their fault, but yet it wasn't right. For his Cassia to kill wasn't right.

     "You changed," Hunter said. "This is not the Cassia I knew."

     "You're the one who deceived me," Cassia roared. "You manipulated me into thinking you cared for me and I nearly lost my life because of you! So don't act as if I'm the bad guy here because look in the mirror, Hunter. You are the worst type of human to exist and your father is the one to make you like him. Your blood is the same."

     Hunter's eyes widened. Cassia was panting, the words heavy with meaning, and Hunter's heart dropped. Was he really the same as his father?

     "Are you like your father?" Hunter asked. "Because your theory would imply that."

     "Maybe." Cassia smirked. "Because we both agreed that love is pointless. It's for the weak and I will never love again."

     Cassia wore a proud smile and Hunter's heart sunk. This wasn't the same girl who whispered about how she feared she would never be loved. This wasn't the girl he fell for.

     He created a monster.

     Cassia glided towards him and held her sword up, and his eyes flew wide as her sword wavered in front of his face. She looked as if she yearned to drive it into his heart - to stop his existence and he ashen.

     "You are a cruel person," Cassia whispered - her guard for a mere second, crashing down. "To pretend to love me - to force me to fall for you in my most vulnerable state. You used me when you wanted nothing more than to ruin my life. You have a heart of stone and I am pathetic for thinking otherwise."

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