Chapter 22

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     Hunter was stuck in a room in an abandoned house his father found. It was hidden in the outskirts of Oflaria - near where they lived, but yet so far off no one would ever be able to find it.

     It was their new home. At least, until they figured out their next steps and it resembled a jail cell. There was nothing, but a bed in his room. The walls were white, his bedsheets were white; everything was white. It was harrowing to be stuck with nothing but your thoughts.

     Because all he could hear was Cassia screaming. It was as if he had tinnitus and the sound that rung in his ears was her scream. It was a sound so heartbreaking, so bloodcurdling he wanted to cleave off his ears and chuck them away.

     Because he didn't know his father would attack then. He thought he had at least one day - maybe days before his father's attack and then his father ambushed right when Hunter was about to warn her, and it had rendered him motionless.

     Because although he wished to help Cassia, he also wished to never face his father's wrath.

     Someone slammed their fists against Hunter's bedroom door and Hunter said nothing. He didn't want to talk to anyone. In fact, he never wanted to speak again, but the door flew open and Liana appeared, her arm bandaged around the dagger wound. His room was already tiny enough and with her there, the walls seemed to be closing in on him.

     "Why haven't you eaten?" Liana demanded. "You've skipped breakfast and lunch, and now you're skipping dinner."

     "This was your doing, wasn't it?"

     Liana faltered. Her blue eyes widened for a mere second before she concealed her expression.

     "It was your father's doing," Liana said. "This was always his plan and you knew that from the start. So don't go blaming me."

     "But you knew when he was going to attack! And none of you told me. Now Cassia thinks I lured her into an attack."

     "But that was all you, Hunter. You could have told her earlier or helped her during the attack, but you did nothing. Because deep down you want her dethroned. You are lying to yourself if you think your intentions are nothing but pure with her."

     Hunter's jaw clenched. His teeth ground together, but it terrified him how fear left him speechless once again.

     "I was in shock," Hunter said. "I spent my entire life being ordered to do what others want, so I didn't know what to do."

     Liana shook her head. She strode over to Hunter's bed and he tensed, praying she wouldn't do what he feared.

     "I don't think you love her," Liana said. "You are in love with her power and status, but not her and the sooner you realize that the better because she is the reason why you have nothing. If it weren't for her you would have been a prince, so think of her as the person to steal the same thing you admire her for."

     "I don't care that she's a princess," Hunter hissed. "Why is it so hard for you to believe I love her for her?"

     "Because you can't, Hunter. You know that and now that she hates you, you need to get over whatever you felt for her and help us take her down. Because there is no way she can ever love you again. And the sooner you realize that the better."

     Hunter was quiet at that. Because she was right - Cassia would never love him again.

     "Why did both you and Chase tell me you want me to be happy and then do this?" Hunter asked. "You told me to go for Cassia and now you're demanding I feel nothing for her. This is your fault."

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