Chapter 13

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     Cassia settled into the cafeteria and Astra sat across from her. But the moment she sat down, her eyes slid to Hunter and she froze when he smiled at her. And this time, he waved and she was paralyzed. His friends shot her looks of disgust, but she was too focused on Hunter to react. She blushed as she waved back.

     Cassia pulled her eyes away and stiffened when Astra shot her a bemused look. Astra's green eyes were full of amusement and Cassia blushed harder.

    "Well, Hunter and you get along nowadays," Astra said. "Are you two dating?"

     Cassia's eyes flew wide with horror. She gaped at Astra who wore a serious expression.

     "No!" Cassia exclaimed. A few people shot her looks and she blushed furiously. "Hunter and I are just... acquaintances. We aren't dating."

     "I've never seen you blush so much."

     Cassia blushed harder and cursed herself. She could feel her cheeks heating up - the blush overtaking her entire face and she cursed Hunter for it. Because when it came to him, her cheeks were incessantly red.

     "Back in the castle you would date many boys. I swear you were with a new boy every month," Astra said. Cassia shot Astra a dark look and she laughed. "Which is why, I'm fascinated with how you are with Hunter - I can tell he's special. He's just not one of your temporary distractions."

     Cassia continued to glare at Astra, who seemed unbothered by Cassia's anger. She hated talking about this.

     "Well, he is different because I'm not attracted to him whatsoever," Cassia said. "Trust me. Hunter is merely someone I'm acquainted with. He's not my type at all."

     "Oh really?" Astra smirked. "So why are you always admiring him?"

     Cassia glowered and Astra laughed. Astra seemed elated by Cassia's embarrassment.

     "Look Cassia, I say this because I want you to be happy," Astra said. "You and Hunter may butt heads sometimes, but he is good to you. He cares for you and I want you to find someone like him. Okay?"

     Cassia faltered, surprised to hear that. "You care whether I'm happy or not?"

     "Of course. You're like a little sister to me. I will do whatever I can to make you happy."

     Cassia's eyes flew wide and her heart grew warm. She never thought Astra cared for her. And the thought made her feel warm inside - a feeling she'd never felt before.

     "I need to tell you something," Astra continued. "It's about the kingdom... Something is brewing within it and your father told me to warn you."

     "What's going on?" Cassia asked. "Is it related to what you told me last time?"

     "There are rumours of an attack arising. We don't know when, but the commoners are plotting and we need to be ready. Which means, you need to always be on your guard. Understood?"

     Cassia frowned. In her eighteen years of life, no one attacked the kingdom. No one dared to cross her father and to hear commoners were plotting was concerning.

     "Is my father okay?" Cassia asked. "He isn't as young as he used to be. Are there guards protecting him?"

     "Of course," Astra said. "We have doubled up on security in the castle. You father will be safe."

     Cassia nodded. Worry was twisting her gut into unfavourable positions.

     "It could possibly be just rumours," Astra added. "But, deep down I fear what is coming. The kingdom has lived in peace and prosperity for too long and now... it's time for things to fall apart."

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