Chapter 5

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     Cassia sat in the cafeteria with Astra, who sat across from her on the wooden table. They were eating their eggs and brown bread in silence and Cassia scanned the room they were in, with sunlight seeping through the windows, and her eyes slid towards the table where Liana and Chase were laughing so loudly they were all she could hear in the crowded room.

     Her eyes slithered towards Hunter and the second her eyes landed on him, his eyes shot up to look at her. And he smiled, his eyes lighting up a bit, and Cassia's eyes flew away. They lowered to her table and she scowled, annoyed with the boy who wouldn't leave her alone.

     "What are you mad about, princess?" Astra asked.

     "Nothing," Cassia mumbled. "Some people are just so infuriating in this camp."

     "Do you mean Hunter?"

     Cassia tensed. She tried to hide her surprise as Astra studied her.

     "Maybe," Cassia said. "Do you find him infuriating, too?"

     "I don't know him enough," Astra said. "But I've been hearing rumours about you. Rumours that you're falling in love."

     "What! With who?"

     "Hunter. Isn't it obvious?"

     Cassia gawked at Astra, who merely stared at her as if it all made sense. And a wave of nausea rose within her at the idea of loving Hunter.

     "Is it true?" Astra asked. "You're blushing, princess."

     "No!" Cassia exclaimed. She blushed when a few people shot her dark looks. Her voice lowered. "Of course not, Astra. Why would I fall in love with him?"

     "Because he's quite handsome."

    Cassia stiffened, but immediately she could visualize Hunter clearly, as if she had a photograph of him embedded into her mind. He was tall - a lot taller than her and he had broad shoulders and a muscular build - as if he'd been training for years. And his eyes were a hazel that resembled a forest - a sea of woods with hints of leaves, and every angle and curve on his face was sculpted flawlessly as if an angel had carved him to prove perfection existed.

     Cassia scowled. Her thoughts were disgusting.

     "I could never wed someone who isn't a prince," Cassia said, crossing her arms over her chest. "My father would never allow it. Just look at what happened to my mother. She was my father's secret and she was sent away for bearing his child out of wedlock."

     Astra grew quiet. A look of pity clouded her expression and humiliation rushed through Cassia.

     She hated talking about her family. Hated the pain it caused her - a familiar ache that constantly haunted her, reminding her that she was a mistake.

     So, she fixed her gaze on the table and remained silent for the rest of the meal. Because she rather speak to no one than to be reminded that there was something wrong with her.


     Cassia could see Hunter sitting at the pond from where she sat on her cabin steps. It was past noon and Astra was reading a book, and Cassia craved to feel the sun kiss her skin, so she sat outside.

     Cassia could also see Liana and Chase sitting away from Hunter on a red and white checkered blanket. They were deep in conversation - wearing the same faded clothes they wore every single day, and for some reason Hunter was on his own, his face clouded with a peace Cassia couldn't relate to.

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