Chapter 10

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     Hunter was trying his best to avoid Cassia like the plague. He made a mistake by saving her. He shouldn't have interfered, shouldn't have upset Liana, but he had and now Liana was mad at him and Cassia had unnerved him with those stupid brown eyes of hers - and he couldn't get the image out of his mind.

     He was going crazy.

     Everyone littered the field around Dawson, who was preparing the next contest, which was a knotting contest. Hunter scanned the area. He should be looking for Liana who hated him, but instead he found Cassia, like he always did, and he froze at the sight of her deflating. Ever since lunch, she looked as if Liana had knocked the confidence out of her.

     And he shouldn't care. His heart shouldn't stir at the sight of her. But yet, it did.

     "She makes me so mad," Hunter said. "I've never met a girl who could drive me crazy like this."

     Chase snorted. "Cassia? I think she drives us all mad."

     Hunter sighed. He wasn't sure if they were talking about the same type of crazy, but he said nothing.

     "She isn't making this easy for you, is she?" Chase asked.

     "No, not at all."

     "I think we underestimated her." Chase glanced at Cassia, who was talking to Astra now. They were off to the side and away from everyone who surrounded Dawson, and yet, she stood out like a sore thumb. "We thought she'd be a fool people could easily manipulate, but instead she's a nightmare you can't wake up from."

     Hunter snorted. Sometimes he could stand up for Cassia, but other times he had to agree when his friends compared her to a nightmare.

     "Well, she sure does haunt me at night," Hunter said.

     Chase barked out a laugh and shook his head. His curly hair bounced and his eyes drifted away, and he tensed.

     "Talk to Liana," Chase said. "She's still mad at you and she has every right to be mad. You interfered in something that wasn't your business."

     Hunter huffed. Chase was right, but yet he didn't want to apologize. Because the truth was, he wasn't sorry for what he did.

     But, he didn't want Liana to be mad at him, so he strolled over to where she stood alone. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was tapping her foot against the grass, and occasionally, she would shoot Cassia dirty looks. She'd always been fierce - someone who could light up easily, but he'd never seen her this outraged. It was as if Cassia was igniting her into a volcanic eruption.

     "Liana," Hunter said.

     His voice was gentle and her eyes flung to him and she scowled. He ran his fingers through his hair, settling next to her.

     "What do you want traitor?"

     Liana's blue eyes blazed with anger. Her red hair was braided back and it exposed the delicate features of her face; the small nose and sharp chin, and the gentle curves of her cheekbones. Hunter had always thought she was pretty. He'd been flattered when she asked him to kiss her until she forgot everything, but his heart never stirred at the sight of her.

     "I'm sorry for interfering," Hunter said. "You shouldn't have pushed Cassia - that's not up for debate, but I'm sorry I looked as if I cared more about Cassia than you."

     Liana's shoulders grew slack. Her bottom lip quivered and Hunter felt horrible.

     "I just don't get it," Liana said. "What does Cassia have that I don't?"

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