Chapter 8

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     Hunter sat with his friends on their checkered blanket. The dazzling sun shone down on them and they cherished the way it kissed their skin - reminding them of the outskirts of the town they lived in. Liana and Chase were deep in conversation and Hunter was gazing off into the distance - at the forest that surrounded the camp, going on for miles.

     And as he stared off into the distance, the image of Cassia back at the free for all popped into his mind. He could still hear the way she declared she hated him, as if she really meant it, and he could still see the tears pooling in her eyes.

     He never thought a girl could hurt him, but her words hurt. They were like an arrow to his heart and now, the arrow was lodged there and only Cassia could save him.

     "I wonder why the princess hates me," Hunter said.

     "Don't worry about her," Chase groaned. "There's something wrong with her. She has a few loose screws, so don't take what she says personally."

     "I think we all have a few loose screws."

     His voice was nearly a whisper and Chase frowned. Liana rolled her eyes.

     "Hunter, I don't know why you're obsessed with the princess, but you need to move on," Liana said. For once, she wasn't snapping at him, so he paid attention. "She clearly despises you. What's the point of worrying about someone who doesn't like you?"

     Hunter shrugged. He didn't understand it himself.

     "Let's change the subject," Liana said. She touched Hunter's face gently, willing him to look at her. And to his surprise, she wore a gentle expression on her face - as if she was genuinely worried for him. "Let's think about how we're going to be rich one day. We grew up with nothing. Poor because of King Julius' ruling, but soon that will be over. So smile, Hunter. Things will get better."

     Hunter sighed. He should be happy at the thought of that, but yet, he felt even more lost.

     "I can't wait," Chase said. "I can finally become the knight I always wanted to be. With money and power, any job can be mine."

     "Right!" Liana exclaimed. "I can't wait to pay off my mother's debts. She tried to give my sister and I a good life, even though we weren't financially secure. So to repay her, I will give her the world."

     Hunter finally smiled. Liana wore a gentle expression, her eyes reminiscing abut the family they left back in the gritty neighbourhood they lived in. And for once, an ounce of excitement filled him.

     "I hope my father will be happy," Hunter said. "I hope we all are."

     Liana's eyes softened and so did Chase's. They knew Hunter's father. Unfortunately, a little too well.

     "Yes, your father has been through a lot," Chase said. "And he will be happy. He will be proud of what you're doing."

     Hunter smiled. His heart grew light at the thought of his father finally being proud of him.

     "What are you going to do once we're no longer poor?" Liana asked. "I mean, for yourself."

     "I want to leave Oflaria," Hunter said. "I want to travel the world and see what's out there. So many different towns and so many different kingdoms exist. But we are stuck here because we lack the money to leave."

     His voice was low and wistful, and Chase smiled. Even Liana did because when they were kids, they would conjure up plans to run away and never look back. And with what they spoke about, Hunter smiled because maybe one day it would come true.

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