Chapter 34

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     Hunter laced up his boots as he got ready in his room, thinking this was it. It was the day of the speech and thus the day that would determine the fates of their lives. The days had flown by and no matter how much Hunter twisted and turned in bed, trying to find a solution, he couldn't conjure one up. Which meant, he was about to be thrown onto a battlefield, unsure of what'd he do to stop the very man he feared.

     Hunter jolted at the knock that slammed against his bedroom door. He whipped his head and shouted come in, and his heart jolted when Liana appeared.

     "Hi," Liana said.

     Hunter rose to stand. A sword hung at his hip and two daggers were at Liana's. She was wearing pants and a fitted top - clothes she only wore for battles.

     "Your father is demanding we leave now," Liana said. "He sent me to fetch you."

     "Okay, I'll be out in a moment."

     Liana wavered at the door. But then to his surprise, she strolled over to him, her eyes lucid.

     "What are you going to do Hunter?" Liana whispered. "I know you don't want this."

     "I'll do anything, but hurt Cassia or her father," Hunter replied. "But I don't know what I will do. How can I even defeat my father on my own?"

     "You won't be alone because Chase and I are on your side."

     Hunter froze. Of all the things Liana could have said, he didn't expect that.


     "After Chase left and... and Cassia's apology, I realized this isn't right," Liana said. "I should have known the moment you showed me your scars, but I was blinded by the fantasy of having money and power and everything we never had. I was an idiot and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that your father should never have the crown."

     Hunter opened his mouth to say something - anything, but his mouth sagged. For weeks he'd been trying to get Liana and Chase to side with him. He desperately wished not to be so alone and finally, Liana was at his side.

     "And Chase agrees with this, too?" Hunter asked.

     "Yes, he realized it when he was kicked out. Because he said you were right. He doesn't want to live a life where he has to hide who he is." Liana smiled sadly. "Haru will also help us. Both Chase and Haru will be amongst the crowd."

     Hunter's heart slammed against his chest. This was all happening too fast - too last minute, but hope blossomed within him. A wave of relief flooded him as for the first time in so long, his confidence rose.

     "So, what's the plan, Liana?" Hunter asked, smiling now. "Because I know you. And you will go down fighting."

     "And that is exactly what we'll do." Liana smirked. "Fight your father and his followers and make sure none of them get the crown.


     Hunter and his father hid in a dark alleyway - close to where the speech was being held. From where they lurked, they could see the wooden stage Cassia's father stood on; his red robe fit around him and gold crown dazzling beneath the bright sun. Cassia stood at his side, her body straight and rigid, and her hand wavering by the sword at her hip. Her eyes scanned the crowd of a hundred people frantically; she was prepared. 

     "We almost have everything we ever wanted," Hunter's father whispered, a malicious grin sliding onto his face as his eyes lit up. "If we just kill the king and his daughter, we will have the crown. We will be royalty once again."

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