Heiress 67: The Young Heirs

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Lavalee's POV

"Ohayo." I greeted Jace when he entered the dining room

"Ohayo. Have you eaten?" He asked and I nodded

"She's still asleep?" I asked him

"Yeah." He answered

"Okay then, I'll just get ready." I said and went upstairs.

When I arrived at the bedroom, I went to the bathroom and took a bath then went to the walk-in-closet and dressed up. When I went out of the walk in closet, I carefully took my phone and bag. I went to the next room and I saw Mnemosyne stretching on the floor.

"Ohayo, Mnemosyne." I softly greeted Mnemosyne and she lightly growled at me

"Fine. Fine, I won't be noisy." I said chuckling and carried her.

I placed her on the small swinging crib and I bent down to kiss their forehead. Mnemosyne bit the small blanket and covered her 'baby sister' and 'baby cousin'

I went down and then I heard the car's engine.

"You didn't wake her up did you?" Jace asked me which made me chuckle

"Of course not. Mnemosyne's already awake when I went in." I said and then I saw the caretaker Nii-sama hired arrived.

"You're going to school, ma'am, sir?" she asked us and I nodded

"Thank you for your help." I said and rode the car

Jace started the engine and drove out of the gate.

"By the way, Nii-sama's coming next week, imo and Uncle wants to see them." I informed him

"How long will they stay in Seryphil?" he asked

"About a week, just during the event week in FA." I answered and a little later we arrived at Frostwood Academy here in New Jadecry.

He opened the door for me and I handed him his bag. We went to separated ways since we have different classes today, though, we'll be in the same accounting class.

When I arrived at the classroom, I saw some of our blockmates whom I got quite acquainted to.

"You're quite early today." Didree told me

"I knew you have arrived. The two of you are being talked about so early in the morning." Quincy said

"Two of us again?" I asked and shook my head

Ever since the college ranking for the Business Managaement course was posted online, people started paying attention to me because I am a Hanazono. Then somebody, saw me coming out of Jace's car and that was when the rumor about the two of us began circulating.

"Well where there's smoke, there's fire, right? It's not like they only saw you two together once." Jenny said and I chuckled

"They really should stop. Dreice and I are not secretly dating." I said

"But what exactly is your relationship anyway?" Didree asked but I didn't answer

Our professor went in and began discussing about marketing and sales strategies. After a few more classes, it was already lunch break so I went to the cafeteria and I wasn't surprised when I saw Jace. We have the same usual vacant time and lunch break schedule since imo arranged our schedules that way.

I went to the counter and bought two energy drinks and two sandwiches. After getting my order I carried my tray to where Jace is and placed the tray on the table. I gave him the energy drin and sandwich.

Heiress (Hanazono Series #2) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now