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  • Dedicated to Dan

Dedicated to the sweetest man I knew. He always took time out of his day to make someone else's. Thank you for the life you gave us, and although we mourn for the life you lost, love doesn't have a life does it?


We each have a choice,
to do or not to do,
to be or not to be,
to see or not to see.

When we see a girl,
crying hopeless in the street,
do you stop and lend some comfort?
Or do you walk on,
carry on,
move on,
live on?

When you see a man,
dying voiceless in the street,
do you stop and give some comfort?
Or do you drive on,
hold on,
look on,
live on?

If we each have a choice,
to do or not to do,
to be or not to be,
to see or not to see,

Why do we not do anything?

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