
43 5 2

I've been called names,
bitch, cunt, slut, whore,
many times over my course,
but I'm not keeping score.

Been accused of things I never did,
those things I would never do,
yet you judged me for them,
even though I didn't know where or who.

Catcalled me out on the street,
"Hey bitch you want a ride from one of us?"
I'll remind you ever so politely, no,
I have a fucking name, and I'll just take the bus.

But all of what you have called me,
all what you have said,
it doesn't bother me,
I know it'll just hit you on the head.

So yeah, I've been called names,
bitch, cunt, slut, whore,
and although you may believe it,
it ain't like it hasn't been said before.

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