The Closet

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Little chubby-face girl holding her daddy's hand,
the basement's scary and full of darkness.
Hidden monsters in every closet,
scary shadows at every corner.

Darkness evicts fear of the unknown,
Fear of the unknown creates a scream,
the scream rises in her throat,
unable to escape as a cold hand covers her mouth.

Unheard screams live in her voice box,
waiting throughout the years,
watching for the perfect time to escape,
that exact moment when a scream is necessary.

Pulled into a janitor's closet at school,
By a brown haired boy she couldn't see,
Teenage romance put into the worst light,
She screams as her brain brings back the memory.

Little chubby-faced teenage girl with a hand over her mouth,
the closet's scary and full of the presence of a teenage boy.
Hidden love, brought out by the boy shyly clearing his throat,
"I just wanted to surprise you," and a kiss on the cheek.


Sorry if you don't understand it. I understand it, maybe you can try to figure it out? Sometimes you just have to write for you, nobody else. So this was for me.

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