Thank You

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What am I thankful for?

I'm thankful for just being here today,

just living is a blessing to me.

Every bad day and every nightmare I went through,

they all fade away when I look back,

just a memory getting smaller in the rearview mirror.

Went suicidal in a rage of madness and sadness about a year ago,

the drinks, cuts, and the things I tried never helped me.

They drove me to insanity, created a sullen faced girl.

It just fucked me over; pushed me to the edge, I just wanted to fall.

In a sudden turn of events, I put everything down and kept on smiling.

I couldn't have done that without my friends and their smiles they gave to me.

They pulled me out of my ravine, shook me out, and hung me on the line.

So now I'm thankful for living, even when life gets rough,

you just got to smile through it.

Don't forget to smile.


So, right before I got out of school for Thanksgiving break, my Spanish teacher decided to tell us a story. That story led to me writing this poem. There's a few tears on my tablet right now, but it's ok.

So if you get anything from this poem, remember the last line. That's all I'm asking.

Don't forget to smile. :)

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