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He walks through the door

with a smug grin on his face

opens his arms and asks

"Did you miss me?"

No, I didn't miss you at all

I didn't run into your arms, now did I?

I didn't. Because I could care less about you

I don't even know why you're here

you moved away, and I didn't care

I still don't care

you know I don't give a damn about you

never did, never will

they leave you to go on up to your room

and you say I should come with you

and I politely refuse with a shake of my head

because I don't hate you

but I clearly don't like you, either

but my friends and family look on

and their eyes tell a different story

they think we're still in love

ha, if only they knew

and she pulls me to the side

and asks me to just go up with you

so I do

thank God my parents aren't here

because of my mother saw you

she might just kill you

or cry about how you were never made for me

either or, I could never tell with that woman

so reluctantly, I follow you up the stairs

and you put your bags beside your bed

and as I stand by the door

you walk behind me to close it

and I can feel your breath on my neck and I feel so vulnerable

you close the door and lock it

I have no escape from you

you come up behind me again

grab my ass and mutter "soft ass babe"

and I want to slap you, so fucking hard

but I know you'll just become abusive towards me

like you did with all the rest

and you kiss my neck

I involuntarily moan

maybe it's because I forgot about you, a long time ago

and I'm thinking of him, not you

kissing my neck like you do

as you stroke the side of my body

and it feels so nice

but after a while, I realize it's you and not him

and I walk away towards the bed

you come closer again

asking "hey babe what's wrong?"

and I don't reply

because I don't like talking to you

but you think my silence means I gave up

you think I'll let you get to me tonight

but you're sadly mistaken

because as you say

"Can we fuck tonight?"

I punch you square in the face

and your nose begins to bleed

and you fall onto the floor

and I want to kick you for good measure

and you wince as I'm about to kick you

but instead I bend down

and kiss you, hard

tugging on your bottom lip

until you moan with pleasure

and I leave, once again

and instead of saying anything

I let my actions speak

rather than my words.

I hope you got the message.

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