Mr. Paradox

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Mr. Paradox, would you stay with me?

You're all I need

You're a paradoxical figure, that's true

but if I asked, would you still want me with you?

I knew what I was getting into early on

because your brother asked me out for you once, and he wasn't wrong

your mind runs faster than you do

causing you pain in your sides, the race you lose

because you can't control it, it controls you

or at least that's what you think, it's untrue

you let it take you, Mr. Paradox, you give it the will to live

its nightmares it'll give

because Mr. Paradox, you claim you don't know

if you knew, you wouldn't go

you'd stay with me

my love you'd see

but you want to leave, and I'd like to let you

but you're going to leave and never come back to me, I know that's true

because Mr. Paradox, you ain't the first one

but you're the only one that won

so stay with me, I think you'll see

the sea is only as deep as you make it out to be.

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