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"Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.

I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way."


You don't understand, I would never be able to hate you

if I let you go, I'd never let you go

it's too fucking hard to word what I'm trying to say

you're a walking grenade you say

but I've walked in the minefields every day of my life

and I know how to avoid death

but you're trying to protect me with a bulletproof vest

but don't you see, that won't do anything?

A grenade isn't a bullet, it's an explosive device

and sometimes you find the pin shakes and rattles threateningly

but the pin's still there, the grenade hasn't gone off

and if you remove the pin

you still have a little bit, to find it again, save yourself

because death is a one-shot thing

but trying to keep the pin is just a game of Russian Roulette

avoid the bullet, avoid the bullet

don't you realize, I know where the bullet lies?

I saw you load your gun

I saw that you added a magazine for extra pain

but I know where the bullet lies

and if need be, I'll take it for you

I've always known that I'd take it for you.

But if you want to leave to avoid killing me

I suppose I have no other choice, but to let you go.

I just hope that one day

I'll walk through my personal minefield

and find you, the grenade, in a field of wildflowers

with the pin still intact.

I'll take you home

remove your contents

maybe cut you in half to use as a vase

or keep you intact

because didn't you know?

Grenades and machine guns were meant to be together.

War leads to peace, sometimes,

so I'll let you fight your war

and I'll hope and pray

that you come back to me

the one waiting at home.

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