You're Drunk

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"So tell me when it kicks in." -Bloodstream by Ed Sheeran

Bit of a warning, it's a bit different than what I do.


Straight or with soda?
Straight, let's get this straight
let's forget for the night.

Might I just say, you look great tonight
with your worn out jeans and boots
you look like a dream.

You kiss me,
you're drunk.

Apparently you don't see me,
all my flaws and insecurities,
everything that makes me die a little on the inside.

You don't see his shadow hidden in mine,
the thought of him in the back of my mind,
he appears often, you see.

You say I'm beautiful,
you're drunk.

I order another drink,
and you're looking better my friend,
so much better, let's skip friends?

I order another,
and by this time,
you remind me of him.

You start to feel me,
you're drunk.

By the third drink,
I'm a bit tipsy,
almost falling onto you.

You let me fall,
and kiss me sloppily,
as I get up.

You tell me you want me,
you're drunk.

You tell me you need me,
you're drunk.

You say let's have some fun,
you say you'll help me forget him,
just for tonight.

You lead me up the stairs and when I don't budge,
you say, "come here baby,"
and I come.

You've made my night,
I'm drunk.

I don't know what happened,
I'm drunk.

I kiss you again, ask for more,
I'm drunk.

I forget him,
I'm drunk.

I love you,
I'm drunk.

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