I did a thing

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Hey. So I started a rantbook, if you may be interested in that kind of stuff. Kind of wanted a place to exprime myself, and I didn't wanted to invade this book that is made for you. But like, if you want to discuss a little and share passion and all, I did a rantbook for that, so yay .

Also, I asked myself if I should publish some chapter I did but wasn't sure about: 

1) I thought about the chapter about binding: Things to avoid, to do...

2) Did a stuff, like sex ed/ relation ship advice for trans guys. It can be kind of a hard and sensitive subject, but there are so few education on te subject, and I think it could be important.

3) Tought about showing my face, because I seem to be always reassured to constat the author I read and the person I interact with is not a 40 y.o weirdo. But like, I don't want to be made fun of.

Okay, I don't know if anyone will answer that, but like, I thought I'd give it a try.

Bye bye guys

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