effects of testosterone

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Hello, so here I am, in this chapter I'll talk to you about the effect of testosterone one the body, in a FtM/FtX transition (on AFAB bodies so). I'll remember you that not all trans people go on hormones, and that's perfectly okay. This is not an obligatory thing to do to make you valid, and if you don't feel the need to be on T and are satisfied with only a social transition (change of pronoums for exemple), it is perfectly okay and doesn't make you any less trans.

Just so you know, every bodies are different. Depending on your genetics, your weight and height, there will be different effects, on different levels. It really depends on the person. However, most of the effects are similar to everyone, so this still work.

I can't really do a month by month evolution, since it really is different for some effects, for exemple, some people will get a deeper voice one the first month, some other will have to wait 6 months. This is more like: What is going to happen.

First of all, let's make a little explanations of signs: 

✅reversible change (if you stop T, these effects will most probably go away)

❌irreversible change (if you stop T, these effects will remain)

It is not rare that people take T for sometimes to gain some effects, and stop later, for health or just because, let's be honest, taking T every day or every month (depending on how you take it) is kind of annoying.

VOICE: On testosterone, your vocal cords will thicken, as in a true guy puberty. Your voice will broke, and deepen a lot. It can happen really early, or more late. Physically, it can hurt a little. Just like when you get a cold. Sometimes, your voice will be tired, you could also just can't talk in the end of the day. But this is temporary of course. Your voice will broke like a teenage boy, it can be pretty funny for people around you. Some rare people don't even get that change. It is rare, but this happen. If this ever happen to you and you want a deep voice, orthophonists can help you control and deepen your voice. So like, if you want a voice as deep as Benedict Cumberbacth's, you can train. It is possible yes.

SKIN: Bad news people: Your skin will get greasier, and you probably will have tons of acnea. After all, this is a second puberty. But don't worry, if you take good care of it, it will get better. In the worst case, there are specialist of the skin that can help. Anyway, most of the time, your body gets accoutumed to T and the skin gets a little easier. If you go throught that, wash your face often, take care of your skin. When you feel more like yourself, it gets easier to take care of you, because your goals are basically one acena away.

BONES: If you are under the end of your growth, so around 18-25, your bone structure can change. Your jawline can get more defined, as much as your hands and feet can grow bigger. Most of the time, past this age, bones are wel defined and T can change very little to it. Usually, you can't really feel it. But you'll soon realise your shoes become too small... 

DICKLIT: ha ha, one of the least talked change on T I think. I was kind of shocked at first, but.. Yeah, it's gonna be okay buddy. Basically, it is one of the first effect, your genitals will change. You won't grow a penis, but your clitoris will grow, and it usually look like a micropenis. It's better than nothing. Some people apply something to make it grow, and some people who grow a rather big one can stand to pee. It is apparently itchy and kind of painful at first (as well as horny inducing) but basically, it is like when your teeth grow as a baby, it hurts when it grow but when it's over, you don't feel it. Again, some people don't get one, it depends. You can act in favor to have one, with a lotion I think it was, to make it grow a little.

BREAST: Your chest area will be reduced by T. If you have a little chest already, you could win a free flat chest. In anyway, you'll loose one size or two, so maybe prepare for a new binder that fits you better. 

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