For trans guys that just discovered it

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(Sorry for the shitty drawing, I'm not good with my hands, particulary on a phone)

So. I just received a comment on the precedent chapter, and I think this chapter can be useful for some people. Or at least, one guy. (I hope)

So. First of all, welcome I'd say! You have entered the world of men, congratulations! 

I know it can feel a little scary, and you are probably very lost, but you'll see, this is going to be just fine!

So! First, I'll give a little bunch of definitions so you don't feel lost : 

FtM : (female to male) Employed sometimes, this designate trans guys (usually, this is used in the case of a transition (often medical). It can be taken bad by some people, because this implies that trans guys have been female before. But some trans guys use this term to describe themself. It's up to you and what makes you confortable. (And MtF is quite the contrary and describes trans women).

AGAB/AFAB/AMAB: Assignated Gender/Female/Male At Birth : A way to annonce your assignated gender at birth, or the one of a specific group of people: For example, it can be used to describe people with ovaries, or people taking testosterone to transition: This avoid excluding trans people (and even in trans spaces, not forgetting non binary people). Of course, you absolutely don't need to signale it for everything, you don't have to precise AFAB on your bio for example.

HRT/ T/ E: If you have been on the internet searching for informations, you may have found these stranges words: HRT designates the hormones you can take to transition medically. This term encompasses all the hormones. T is for testosterone, wich can be taken by some trans guys and some non binary people(AFAB or AIAB (intersex at birth)) to transition. E is for oestrogen, wich can be taken by some trans girls and some non binary people (AMAB or AIAB (intersex at birth)) to transition. They permit to develop secondary sex caracteristics, such as for AFAB taking T, a low voice, facial hair... In fact, it permits to have the "right gender puberty".

binder : this is a piece of clothes made to compress your breast, in order to hide it and make it appear like you have a flat chest. Some representation shows trans guys or NB (non binary) people binding with ace bandage : DON'T do that. This is dangerous and may damage your ribcage and deteriorate your health. DON'T buy cheap binder on amazon or wish: They are terribly bad for you: In fact, some safe sites are gc2b , Face a Toi Même (french), Underworks, Venus Envy, F2Mbinders. (In this chapter, you'll also find the rules of binding, I'll explain it all.)

(gender) dysphoria and euphoria: (gender) dysphoria is the feeling of a difference between your true gender and the one you were assignated at birth/your body, pronouns , everything related to gender, that leads to a sentiment of entrapment, sadness, depression. (dysphoria from not having a penis or from having breasts are very commons, but there's also a ton lot other forms) At the contrary, (gender) euphoria is the feeling of contentment with your gender, like, being happy because you pass as a boy, because you were called young man...

Passing: The concept of passing is a common term in trans spaces .Passing is the act of succeeding, using many factors to look like the intended gender (passing as a guy -> appering as a guy to other people mostly, and yourself)

I think this is enough to start with, Tell me if I miss some, I'll add them!

Okay so you probably ask yourself :

  What the hell should I do now ? How am I a good trans guy?

Firstly, know that there is no wrong way to be a guy, and there is no wrong way to be a trans one. Everyone's journey is unique, so there is no proper guide or rules to respect.  However, there's a lot of things you can do to alleviate dysphoria, and so increase euphoria, and so, feel better.

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