*trans character*

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So Basically, I wrote a note (don't know the exact word) on my page: It was that:

"Hello. Yeah, sorry to bother you: I noticed that most of you (readers) are trans guys. (well, a bit obvious considering that my book is litteraly "tips for trans guys").Well, I just wanted to ask: I'm writting a story, like a whole book. You may not know it but this is what I aspire to do. So (if I finish it), I'll present it to an editor (luckily for me, my dad have connections). I want to include a trans character, because I really think we miss representation, and I never read a book with a trans character (that is not only here for their transidentity). So, since you are concerned, what kind of trans character would you enjoy?Like, would you like me to describe their dysphoria? Should their transidentity be mentionned? Or should they transition during the story? Tell me.Sorry, kind of long message, not even sure anyone will answer but hey, I have to try.So yeah, bye bye, take care of you"

You get the idea. Thanks to the people who responded by the way!

So this is not exactly an advice, but since some of you read, some of you write, I thought it could be a good idea to let you know how I write my trans character in my book. You see, to let me know what is okay or what is not, what i could do to improve myself, things like that. Plus, a lot lot of you are trans (well, since the book is litteraly for trans guys (and NB), it is kind of normal), you could tell me if this representation seems good for you.

I originally wrote that in french (natal language and all), and then traduced it in english. I'll put the two versions, so if some people perfectly speaks the two languages, or are just better at traducing than me, feel free to correct me!

This is kind of ... surnatural I guess? Yeah, don't be too worried about that.


(This character is presented is the book as his deadname at first, cause he is perceived from the point of view of the other characters. Here, the first extract from his point of view. For the point of view of my characters, I always write at the third singular person. So, I can't give you the whole story, but in fact, this passage from the book was made to make believe the reader that this is a new character when in fact, this is simply that we learn who he really is, what he thinks... So yeah...)

Will. A good guy. The kind of person to whom you would tell your entire life story just by looking at his face for ten minutes. Well, you had to succeed in perceiving it first: Always his head down, immersed in a book with an indefinable number of pages, almost seeming to forget all the noise and movement around him. Maybe to the point of forgetting himself. That was all he asked for: Forget even his existence, slalom between the various obstacles of earthly life, and wait without dreading it but without wanting to advance it either, the day when all this would end, and that he could finally just close his eyes and never reopen them again.But for the moment, Will was stuck there, with a few words written on a cold piece of paper as his only escape. It was sufficient for the moment. It would have to be for a while longer.

- Hey S-Sandra!

Ouch. Will gritted his teeth for a few moments, then looked up resignedly. It was only a few letters. A miserable word, a poor name: He should have been used to it, considering the quantity of words he swallowed every day through the lines of his countless books. And yet ... This one gave him the effect of a spider encrusted under his skin. He was used to that kind of feeling in truth, and if he had been asked, he much preferred spiders.

What do you want ? He said, in a jaded ton.

Assoon as the words left his mouth, he regretted them. They echoed inhis aching skull for a few moments. He knew his voice, and yet hecontinually forgot how... feminine it was. It made sense, somehow, itwas normal ... But every word made him want to scream until his vocalcords tore off.

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