Chapter 9. You're Definitely a Good Person

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Lucilline burrowed his head into a book.

He studied the page, trying to fend himself off from boredom. Concentrating, his eyebrows twitched once then twice. The corners of his eyes curled like a happy cat. A truffle of his hair had stuck upwards, making him seem quite silly yet harmonious at the same time.

Lucilline had laid across the table, with his chest pressing against the surface.

He wore his uniform, then unbuttoned the sweater and tied it around his waist, feeling that the summer heat was bothersome.

Inside the classroom, students were taking their seats.

Among the students, a certain handsome and silver-haired young man seemed out-of-place. Azalea sat next to Lucilline, with his back ramrod straight and entire body rigid. His amethyst violet eyes turned to look at his desk partner, Lucilline.

His eyes stared so hard, it was enough to bore holes through Lucilline's back.

Lucilline, "..." What the hell is that guy staring so hard for?

A bead of sweat trickled down his forehead, as he racked his brains trying to find an answer. Sooner or later, Miss A. entered the classroom, standing at her spot behind the podium. She knocked her pile of books adjacently at the wooden surface, gaining everyone's attention.

"Today is a Tuesday. I hope everyone managed to enjoy the sunshine yesterday." Miss A. smiled.

Lucilline frowned. He didn't get to enjoy any sunshine. Who knew that he would've encountered a tall and handsome rogue man, who carried out attempted murder!

"There's a lot of sunshine today as well. Once your session of school is over today, please do go outside and have some fun." Miss A. was happy as usual.

After carrying out her introduction, she began the lesson.

Meanwhile, Azalea was still preoccupied with staring down at Lucilline. Ever since eating at the restaurant and having to pay the bill, but ending up having someone else pay it in his stead... Azalea had always been unfocused. Even when Daphnne tried to get his attention, even when he was heading back to his inn, even when he was lying in bed... Azalea remained in this vulnerable state.

Originally, he thought that Lucilline was despicable for ordering so many dishes. After all, the black-haired youth was basically trying to empty out his pockets!

But then, that same exact black-haired youth had paid in his stead.

This made Azalea stunned on the spot. It turned out that... he was misjudging the victim once again! He'd already blamed Lucilline once for not wearing his uniform properly, even though it wasn't his fault! Then, he judged the nobleman for "using people's money", even though it was Lucilline who paid!

Azalea couldn't let this go. He could apologize once again, but that sounded so lacklustre...

Miss A. decided to give the class a small break. She went to sit on her teacher's chair, while taking out a book to read. The silence in class had withdrawn, then came noises from students chatting.

Lucilline was bored. He played with a strand of his black hair.

His golden eyes wandered around, like a curious cat.

At the same time, Azalea looked at his desk mate.

Suddenly, his eyes hardened.

Reaching out, Azalea enveloped Lucilline's gloved hands. The copper bell strung across the latter's wrist had rung twice to signify an ominous premonition.

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