Chapter 76. To You, In the Past

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??? years ago, before the present era

Boisterous laughter bounced off the walls, with tremors casted upon mellow red wine—the liquid trembling inside the shell of a glass cup. The sound of wine glasses had clinked together, and the ringing sound resounded past the dining hall.

"I can't believe you have a third child already, Anderson!" A slap had fallen onto the dining table, shaping the lustrous white tablecloth into a wrinkle. "Is it a boy or girl?"

Seated across the loud man was a handsome young man, his attire made of a black suit, with a white shirt tucked underneath. The handsome young man—Anderson Rubius—had a glass of wine held within a hand, with merely a few slender fingers twirling it by the handle. His mahogany red hair was brushed back thanks to slick gel, with a few strands of hair falling down to dangle before his silver eyes.

Those silver eyes thinned in amusement, sharper than the horizon beyond sandy coastlines. Anderson's lips curved upwards, as he laughed, "Rachelle worked hard to give birth to a boy."

A chorus of cheers applauded past the dining table.

All the guests gave toast to the celebratory news, their drunken faces written with undisguised happiness... except for one particular man.

"Younger brother is indeed hardworking—being able to produce another offspring!" The words spoken were clearly of praise, but the voice behind it sounded mocking. It sickened all the guests, but Anderson still wore a relaxed expression.

The current Duke of House Rubius have served for a long time, and his age has deteriorated. It was about time to choose the next successor.

He has two sons—the eldest son named Orion, and the younger one named Anderson. One would think that Orion had the better chance of inheriting the title, since he was the elder sibling. However, due to his "lack of discipline" (which was simply just an overload of arrogance), Orion's attitude have displeased several other nobles. His past records of cheating and accumulating several mistresses gave a bad display of House Rubius to the public.

Contrary to his indecency, Anderson remained filial to the lineage and worked nonstop at fulfilling his duties as a noble.

It goes without saying that Anderson was the likelier one to inherit the title of Grand Duke.

"Anderson, you sure like to make children." Orion mocked, pointing a finger at his younger brother's crotch, "Could it be that you can't control your-"

"Of course not," Anderson replied with a harmless smile. His silver eyes had thinned into crescent slits, "However, I am worried for you instead, brother. You haven't a single child yet, so I wonder..." He pointed at his eldest brother's crotch in return, "Could it be that you can't get it up—"

SLAM!!! Orion furiously slapped a hand on the dining table, causing many wine glasses to topple over, spilling over the lustrous white table cloth.

Orion's face was frustratingly red, as if his brain was about to fry into a burnt crisp. "It's about time that I return to my residence. May I be excused." He stood up from the dining table, and with a violent turn, he angrily left. His mad footsteps were imprinted upon the crimson red carpet, bold and disheartening just like the wine spill he caused on the tablecloth.

He slammed the door shut furiously, and nobody escorted him out.

Instead, the guests had a hearty laugh about it. "Young Lord Rubius, it is just as we've heard from the rumours. Your elder brother sure has the temper."

To that, Anderson merely gave a small shrug and continued to smile.

They toasted for the remaining duration of the celebration.

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