Chapter 23. Stitched Shut

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Lucilline was crushed underneath the rubble.

He could hear the muffled sounds of agonized screams, and the roar of unilateral trepidation. Fear seemed to strike in the roots of every nobleman at the scene. But Lucilline couldn't see a thing—only huge chunky rocks, which had fallen on his body. He doubted that he could escape.

Is this where he was going to die?

He couldn't even register the tearing pain at his limbs—only numbness. Lucilline closed his eyes, with those pair of golden irises sinking into the shadows. Dying this way is better than getting executed by the male lead, right?

He couldn't answer that question.

How does he want to die? Does he want to be killed by the reincarnators? Or does he want to live a fulfilled life, dying when his age reaches its limit?

Perhaps, he should just give up? After all, the grim reaper might have already come to snatch his soul-

All of a sudden, a shining beam of light shone on his face. Lucilline snapped out of it. The rocks had been moved aside, revealing a terror-stricken face. Willow had single-handedly moved the rocks aside, with her uninhibited strength. "Young Master, are you alright?" She reached out a hand, "Take my hand! Let's get out of here!"

Lucilline blinked. He could barely register a thing.

The sound of his maidservant seemed so close, and yet so faraway.

"...Young Master?" Willow was puzzled. No matter how many times she repeated her Young Master's name, the latter had just stared at her with his pair of beautiful golden eyes.

Lucilline saw her, then laughed, "I didn't think that I would see you in the afterlife, Willow."

Willow, "..." The fuck?

She hid away her speechless expression, then blurted out, "Young Master! Stop it with your jokes! We need to leave the school this instant! Demons have invaded!"

Lucilline came back to himself. "...demons?"

He outstretched a gloved hand to Willow, who pulled him out from the rubble. It was then the maidservant noticed that the back of Lucilline's head was soaked in blood...!

"No wonder you have brain damage!" She panicked.

Lucilline: ??? I don't?

He pressed a gloved hand against the back of his hand, then examined his glove... Indeed, there was a trace of residual mahogany red blood. It oozed of a pungent scent, and made Lucilline feel unease. Willow had quickly took out a handkerchief, pressing it against her Young Master's head. "Don't worry, Young Master! As long as I can stop the bleeding, it will be fine!"

However, Lucilline was not paying attention to his own injuries.

His sight was focused on the disastrous arena all around him. The school had been crumbled into mere rubble, with fallen stone collapsing everywhere. The ceiling was struck with cracks, about to tumble upon them whenever the demon lets out a bellowing roar.

"Thankfully it's just a minor injury." Willow sighed in relief. "The bleeding has almost completely stopped. Young Master, you should be able to escape safely. I will stay behind to look for any other injured-"

She was interrupted by a sharp glint in her Young Master's eyes.

Willow held her breath. It was rare to see such a determined conviction in those pair of golden eyes. She remembered the same conviction in her younger brother's amethyst purple eyes—the urge to prove that oneself has enough strength to continue moving forwards.

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