Chapter 12. Kill and Manipulate

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"Today... Butler Augustine was scary." Willow shuddered.

Beside her, Lucilline shuddered along simultaneously. "...yeah." Behind them, Augustine was wondering why the people in front of him were shivering like a chipmunk.

They walked past several street lamps, watching how the sun stained the sky in colours of velvet red, apricot orange, and canary yellow. The distance to Duke Rubius' manor was far, so it took them a long time to arrive at the lower gates of the mountain. By the time they arrived, it was sunset.

Augustine never had the chance to enjoy these type of sceneries back in his past life. He found himself mesmerized at the sun, which glowed at the horizon.

"Hey." Willow elbowed him. "Hurry up. Don't get lost."

Augustine snapped out of it. He looked back, watching how Willow fished out a golden key from her pocket. The key was to unlock the entrance gates, which had a mountain of traps right after.

Willow was about to unlock the gates. The key had just entered the keyhole, then she hesitated.

A whistle of wind tousled a leaf from its branch, making the leaf drift down to land on the ground. It was calming, too calming. This made Willow alerted and cautious. Her body couldn't help but tense, with her ears subconsciously pricking upwards, trying to capture any wavelengths of sound.

Lucilline didn't interrupt her. He merely allowed Willow to do whatever she pleased.

Augustine stood back as well. He wanted to see just what exactly Willow was up to.

An entire ten seconds passed. At this point, Augustine was confused. He wanted to ask Lucilline for confirmation, "What in the world is your maid doing?" but was then asked a question instead. "Butler—I mean, Augustine, do you truly believe that we're good?"

Augustine didn't understand why Lucilline asked such a question. Nevertheless, Augustine still answered accordingly to his instincts, "Yes."

Although Lucilline could occasionally be a prick and irritate him, the villain wasn't entirely malicious and evil. He was merely a living being. Augustine understood this. There was a fine line between being a bad person and being an evil person.

"Ohh." Lucilline smiled. "That's good."

All of a sudden, Willow tossed the entrance gate's key in Lucilline's direction. The great villain caught it effortlessly, then swung the key once, pressing on a hidden mechanism. Out of nowhere, a sharp blade slid out from the key.

Augustine was astonished.

He was too slow to react, as Lucilline stabbed the sliding knife directly at Augustine's face-


Two blades clashed against one another, creating a metallic spark from the conflict. Then, the two blades came to a stop, hovering right above Augustine's face. Lucilline smiled at the unfamiliar man, who was defending Augustine from being slashed by him.

"I knew that there were people spying on me." Lucilline spoke. "It wasn't too difficult to lure you out though. All I had to do was try and hurt your comrade."

Willow took out her dagger from a pocket, shuffling into a stance.

It was then the unfamiliar man knew that he'd been exposed. As a reincarnator and also one of the people in charge of the carriage incident, he'd been ordered to directly take Lucilline's life before he arrives back at his manor. Therefore, he'd waited at the entrance gates.

But he didn't expect to find Augustine beside Lucilline as well!

Was this fellow reincarnator betraying us? At first, he had this thought. But after seeing how Lucilline attempted to "kill" Augustine, he was able to confirm that... Augustine was just blinded by the great villain's beauty.

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