Chapter 48. First Mission

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Willow replaced the coachman's position, taking control of the horses.

The carriage continued to drive down the path.

Dimitri sat in his seat, in between Lucilline and Augustine. His dazzling white suit was flawless, with not a single speck of dirt insight. He crossed his arms domineeringly, his hair curled and glistening like golden ore. White and polished gloves caressed his thick calloused hands, while the Sword of Gravity was placed aside on a wall.

" be fair, I'm not sure how I got the Book of Revelation either." Dimitri began.

He reminisced to the past events, "All I remember was investigating the streets for thieves who robbed the book. It was dark, and all the lights were out. But then I noticed a shining light inside a house. Inside the house..."

Dimitri's throat gulped, the adam apple bobbed.

His face seemed to pale subconsciously. "The walls were covered in black mucus. It was slimy and fertile, as if the scales were torn off of a snake. Although I had examined the mucus and confirmed that it did not pose any harm to living beings, I still felt as if it was alive."

The Crown Prince ruffled his hair, revealing his fine neck. "On a table was the Book of Revelation. Beside it on a chair was... a corpse of a man."

He remembered the corpse in great detail. The body's clothes had been littered across the ground, torn at edges and ripped at corners. However, it was as if all the man's flesh had disappeared into thin air. All that was left of the corpse were bones and a blackened bloody skull.

"...that's horrible." Lucilline's eyes thinned from disgust.

He raised his head, "Could it be the Book's doing... or..." a demon?

"The black mucus is often a trait found by demonic beings, so I suspect a demon is behind this." Dimitri rubbed his temples, feeling a migraine come upon him. "However, why did the demon leave the Book of Revelation behind?"

This was also an odd question.

"The investigation team is also having trouble identifying the corpse. After all, that man is left down to only bones and a skull. There is not much to confirm." Dimitri revealed a vague look of fatigue.

Having stayed up for an entire night, Dimitri decided to leave his position as Crown Prince.

"I found no clues, so I decided to follow a different lead." Dimitri explained, resting his chin handsomely on his palm. "Nearby, there is a small village by the name of Kirvin." He gestured gently, "Kirvin Village is known to be situated near wetlands. Recently, a report informed me that demon encounters became more often at Kirvin Village."

"I suspect that this is the doing of Swamp demons."

Lucilline tilted his neck, thinking silently. The carriage was nearing Kirvin Village, which explained the earlier encounters.

"Swamp demons are afraid of light," Dimitri informed, "Therefore, they were quite frightened by the Book of Revelation just then."

Silence encumbered the moving carriage.

Trees swarmed the horizon, leaving behind only a mirage of darkness. Shadows shifted from tree to tree. It was unknown whether those shadows were just a lighting effect, or perhaps it was the demons observing their next prey.

"Young Master Rubius—well, since we're out of the Capital City and we've met quite some time," Dimitri wore a gentlemanly smile. "Lucilline," he dropped the title and went with the name, "Would you be willing to help me in exterminating the demons?"

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