Chapter 60. If This Isn't Love, Then What is?

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The two noblemen traversed past a spiral of stairs.

They ascended up a row of white marble steps in a clockwise direction, with the rich captivating music playing in the background. Below them was the twirling of dresses—riveting ocean blues, scarlet reds, starry whites, jade greens, and maiden pinks. The fabrics spun around the ballroom floor, resembling a water's surface splashed into blossoming ripples—petals unfurling from within.

Lucilline's eyes couldn't help but soften.

The sight was truly beautiful. Layers of silk flew across the ballroom floor, and candlelight illuminated from the chandelier would shed sight upon their dance.

"It really is amazing how many people can come together," Percival understood, "...and dance as one."

He gripped the staircase's railing; the smooth surface rubbing against his white palms. Percival's hair was set on one shoulder, while his white suit remained clean and unfettered of dirt.

He shone like a star, and his eyes melted like caramel in coffee.

The scent of sweet chocolate wafted in the air.

"Ah, let's continue upwards." Percival nudged, "I want to show you something."

Lucilline's lips parted, "Ah, yes."

Next to his pearly ears, the sound of strings playing roared wildly. The musicians were all in sync with one another, drawing their bows at the same time, their posture unified as one. It was as if a deity had possessed them all just for this occasion, to play every single note together.

"Um," Lucilline accidentally tripped forwards, his black leather heels having crashed at the step before him. He sprawled forwards—

Percival caught him on time, an arm wrapped around his waist.

The contact between their clothings had sparked something. Both Percival and Lucilline pulled away, as if they'd be electrocuted if they touched one another.

"Haha..." Lucilline awkwardly laughed, "I can't believe I was so clumsy."

"No, it's not your fault." Percival smiled, "I will have someone reconstruct the stairs to make every step wider."

Lucilline: ??? There's no need for that though ???

An awkward silence fell between the two.

They had no idea what else to say. Thus, only the fair sound of a string orchestra echoed behind them... replacing the talk with their song.

At last, they arrived at the second floor.

Leading the way, Percival's straight and tall back forked a path of shadow behind himself. Lucilline blended in his shadows, his inky black hair akin to the silhouette. Only his pale skin contrasted against the darkness, like a ghost wandering the halls.

"We're here." Percival smiled, a hint of glee found in his voice.

Lucilline's eyes widened at the sight.

They arrived at a balcony, the materials made of marble and limestone, coated in beautiful white paint—as if a bucketload of liquid moonstone splashed across.

Before the balcony, an expanse of endless illuminated buildings had broadened. Even at the dark horizon, only the light of lit houses and shops had purged across. Back at Duke Rubius' manor, looking outside the window would only result in seeing a bunch of tall trees—their trunks and leaves blocking the city's bright and warm light.

Lucilline could finally feel his people's warmth up close—though he was afar.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Percival chuckled, his lean figure inclining against the balcony fence. His face was handsome and warm, as if bathed in a tub of hot chocolate. "Every time I look out this balcony, I am reminded of all the people my family promised to protect and serve."

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