Chapter 26. The Crown Prince of Lydia

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"It will be alright... It will be alright..." Azalea whispered under his breath.

He felt November's heavy weight sinking in his left shoulder, with his strength on the verge of depletion. The warmth of viscous blood soaking his hands seemed to bring him back to his past.

Azalea could feel a warmth whispering by his ears. "Don't worry, Azalea. Your big sister will protect you... I won't let harm come to your way!" He reminisced the smell of burning smoke, clogging his throat and suffocating him.

The sound of cries and pleading screams seemed so close, and yet so far away.

All of a sudden, a shriek nearby had waken him up.

What was that? A bead of sweat slid down from his forehead. Before he had time to wipe away the evidence of his anxiety, November struggled in his hold.

"...let me down!" She cried.

Azalea was puzzled. "I can't do that. It will only aggravate your injury even more-"

"I don't care!" November felt fear dominate her heart. "I've already lost my leg!" Snot and tears slid down her face and cheeks. "It doesn't matter if I die!"

Azalea refused. He carried November on his shoulder, and continued running down the hallway. His footsteps seemed to race against the trepidation of his heart. Both competed to see which is faster. It felt like a hammer was constantly hammering down on his chest, sealing a bond upon him.

They advanced past the hallway for some time.

All of a sudden, Azalea felt like something was wrong. Earlier, November was struggling to be placed down. How come she was no longer moving anymore? Why was she being so obedient?

"...hey." November's voice was as heavy as the disaster made out of their school. "Do you think that I will live long enough to leave the school?"

Azalea didn't know how to answer such a question.

What would he do if he lost a leg? He would feel as if he'd lost the world. He could no longer pursue his dream of becoming a knight. There is also no such thing as a legless knight.

Sympathizing with November, Azalea softened his tone, "You can definitely make it. Believe in yourself. You won't die. When we leave, we can get someone to help you maneuver easily on one leg. We'll stop the bleeding, and have you resume your regular life as soon as possible. I promise, okay?"

November fell silent. Shadows muddled her expressions, making it difficult to see what thoughts were on her mind.

"We'll figure it out," Azalea said. "Don't worry. What's most important is that we leave."

Their match of purple and white hair had fluttered in the wind. Azalea didn't know what November was thinking of, but her situation reminded him of his own helplessness. He couldn't remember his childhood. All he knew was that he'd been living the wilderness as a young and helpless child, sick to the core, which had made him forget all about himself but a feminine voice calling out his name.

In the wilderness, he was found by the owner of an orphanage. There, he was taken care of and met his childhood friend; Daphnne.

Out of nowhere, a tired voice full of fatigue had rung from his side, "You're so kind, Azalea."

November was talking as if she'd just woken up from a nightmare, "If there weren't any demons that invaded the school, you probably would have won the swordsmanship tournament. Then, you could have received a good sum of money from Grand Duke Leinhart. If he saw potential in you, he could have recommended you to become a Royal Knight."

[BL] The Darling Villainजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें