Chapter 67. Five Dark Glares

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Sophia had worked at the Underground Brothel for two years, thus becoming the Senior for the newest batch of workers. She remembered when she was first recruited, her dusty cheeks were wiped harshly until all that remained were rash red.

Thus, all the others thought she was a sensible and shy child who liked to blush.

After the red subsided, Sophia still could not overcome the old perspectives. She still liked to stutter, blush, and avoid eye contact.

"You can entertain the guests in room 201," the young brothel worker had pointed to a newcomer, "Pour them a cup of tea and introduce them to our Senior's upcoming performances."

The newcomer rushed off.

Sophia stepped to the side, then her eyes twitched. She noticed another newcomer, who was idly standing in the corner, their body tense and their hands clasped together. This reminded Sophia of when she first arrived and had to serve here. Such strong nostalgia.

"Hey there, newcomer. Don't you have any tasks to do right now?" Sophia was about to continue rambling on, but stopped in her tracks. Her voice was caught in her throat, unable to budge any further. Rather, she was at a loss for words. The newcomer in front of her looked away shyly, her eyes resembling the jewel picked up from the Royal family's gold mine.

Her hair was blacker than the night, silhouettes intertwining into one scarf of liquid obsidian. The newcomer's face was fairer than the melancholic moon, her lips coated in red rouge, her nose bridge was slender and high, and her eyebrows raised like a dancing piece of silk.

Sophia couldn't help but stammer on the spot, her face burning red, "A-Ah, if you need a-any help, I am here to a-assist a-as your s-senior!"

Th newcomer glanced at her, surprise written over those enchanting eyes. A smile fell on her lips, and she gently shook her head. Her pink maiden dress swayed to her gesture, revealing the white tights worn on her delicate legs. Every movement of hers seemed to be imbued of nobility and elegance, like a Princess strolling through her rose garden, gently brushing noses with the petals.

Sophia could not handle it anymore. Any longer and she might faint! "Well, if you need help, I am here!" She hurriedly rushed out, leaving nothing but dust in her trail.

Meanwhile, Lucilline: ... ( ゚д゚) Could it be that I've frightened her? Have I already been figured out? Does she know that I'm not a girl? Or is it that she suspects I'm a spy because I'm not talking?

The black-haired nobleman became agitated.

He really wished to rip off this dress, shake off the black heels, and chase after that stammering brothel worker!

Instead, Lucilline quenched his heart in cold water. I must calm down. First, according to the details given by Layla, the bandits are predicted to arrive in ten minutes. I have some time to prepare... The strategy was simple.

He remembered Layla's silly smile.

The Tenth Princess of Miriam had flicked her finger around, "Simply put, use whatever methods you have to force the bandits in the room we're in. Then, we'll ambush them! They'll be captured, I'll send them to the Queen as proof, and I'll be richly rewarded! Oh, but don't worry. I'll make sure to split my reward to the rest of you."

Lucilline's teeth gritted. He'd rather have no reward than to participate in such felony!

But it wasn't like he hadn't dressed in women's clothing before. Scarletta often dressed him on her clothes, so Lucilline wasn't as perturbed as he would've been.

Rather, the risk of getting caught played with his heart.

"Welcome dear fellow guests! I see that it's the same old taste?"

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