Chapter 70. Sugarplum

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Daphnne marched around her store. Her short figure left a few soft footsteps upon the wooden flooring, as her heels clicked noisily like running water. The heroine found her gaze fixated beyond the windows, where the skies began to darken in tones.

She hummed to herself. "It seems like it's about to rain."

Daphnne never really liked rain. Bad things always seemed to happen when it rained; when she was first sent to the orphanage, it rained that day. The skies blended into a torrential darkness, sucking the living lights out of the world.

The rain reminded Daphnne of the earth's cries. Somehow, it reminded herself of her own desperate pleas... and how that day she lost everything.

Subconsciously, tears would roll down her cheeks.

Daphnne shut the windows close, hoping to shield her plants from the incoming droplets. She wiped her tears with her cotton sleeves, "I hope that Az and the others are safe on their adventure."


There was a long ominous trail of blood. It reeked of a pungent scent, as if a handful of cow dung mixed with charcoal was splattered across the ice's surface. There was a long snake of cracks crawling across the dark ice, and there was a section where the ragged ice broke apart into halves.

Due to that, the ice couldn't help wobbling and wavering.

In the distance, a loud roar had shaken the skies.

"Calm down!" Dimitri gave out orders, controlling his knights with a contorted expression. His heart couldn't help but pound a bit harder at the sight of spilled blood. The Crown Prince unsheathed his own sword, its silver linings shining despite the horrendous glare of the dark dragon.

Augustine was attended to by Jacques, who was constantly humming spells beneath his breath.

A blue light enveloped the mage's body, then enveloping the dying butler. His wound was too large to fully heal, and Jacques had droplets of sweat sliding down his forehead. The mage's skin paled, almost resembling a ghost.

"Do not panic," Willow stated, but she too seemed to be on the brink of panic. "Augustine will be fine... he won't leave you, Young Master."

Lucilline did not respond.

He seemed to have lost all senses, and slouched there like a lost soul. Strands of his silky black hair were scattered across his pale face, and his golden eyes seemed to blur indefinitely. His lips had fallen open, and the once crimson red colour became colourless.

The attacks of the black dragon did not stop.

Rather, they became more and more relentless.

Layla had fallen off the steep cliff, Augustine was on the verge of death, and this damned dragon wouldn't stop attacking them! If something about these conditions didn't change, then the group would likely all freeze to death.

"Dragons have gone extinct for centuries," Dimitri frowned, analyzing his opponent first. "All that are left of them are their fossils... but this one persevered through under Isdis Kingdom's ice."

Through his peripheral vision, Azalea and the two ordinary knights fought off the black dragon. However, their blades began to have chips cracked off. Their situation was only worsening. One of the knights tumbled to the ground, a piece of his iron ripped off. Thankfully, he did not suffer any injuries.

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