Chapter 10. Shopping as Friends

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When school was over for the day, two servants were waiting at the entrance.

Augustine tried his best to look confident. Ever since the great villain (he's unwilling to call him "Young Master") left for school, Augustine was forced to work under Willow's supervision. He'd been dressed up to match a butler's look, been trained to clean clothes, dishes, and furniture... and even been groomed!

He was supposed to be a reincarnator! He knows the fate of this world!

And yet, he'd been forced to become the butler of the great villain, who'll destroy Lydia Kingdom! Just thinking about this had formed a headache for him.

Augustine stood straight. He wore a black and white set of butler uniform, which aligned his handsome and muscular figure. His taut muscles stretched the fabric, making him appear especially prominent under the sunlight. His hair had been combed with neat precision, with his black bangs falling over his forehead.

"Whose butler is that?"

"He's so handsome..."

"I wonder which noble household he belongs to..."

Willow nudged the said-person, "They're all talking about you."

"I know." Augustine remained expressionless. His face was as cold as frost, which only highlighted how handsome he appeared.

Willow sighed. "If I'd known you'd attract so much attention, I would've tried persuading Young Master to give up on the idea of contracting you."

Augustine looked away. He heard the sound of the school bell ringing, which signaled the end of school. After a while of waiting, the doors of S Academy opened. Amongst the crowd of students, Augustine noticed a familiar figure in the distance.

Immediately, Willow's eyes brightened.

She waved eagerly to Lucilline, "Young Master! Over here! This way!"

Out in the distance, Lucilline saw his servants. He walked to them, with his two new friends trailing behind his footsteps. "Willow." Lucilline called, "These are my friends." He introduced them.

Willow studied Azalea and Daphnne. "Huh? These two... were the ones from yesterday?"

Augustine's eyes also landed on the two new friends. He studied them closely. Why do they look so... familiar? Suddenly, a familiar line from he read from the novel had resurfaced in his mind, "The heroine had chestnut brown hair as sliver as a swan's feathers, and a smile as bright as the sun. The male lead's hair was as white as snow, and eyes like an amethyst."

Lucilline smiled, "Their names are Azalea and Daphnne."

Augustine fell to a stop. His eyes widened, and his silver pupils dilated. These two... aren't they the protagonists? How come they are friends with the villain?

Then, he contemplated. Perhaps, my interruption had affected the storyline. This made the villain accidentally friend the protagonists. However, this is still an improvement from the original storyline. Now, this means that there is a less chance that Lucilline will destroy Lydia Kingdom...

"Huh?" Daphnne was puzzled. "Lucilline, last time, wasn't there only one servant? Who's this guy?" She pointed curiously at Augustine.

Sensing that the heroine's eyes were on him, Augustine stiffened.

"Oh, him." Lucilline piped up. "This is Butler Augustine. Just call him August though, he doesn't mind."

Augustine, "..." No, he did mind!

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